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Here’s an alternative source for health insurance info, options


The Obama administration has built a web portal for information concerning the Affordable Care Act (ACA) health care reform law and the various insurance options employers and individual consumers may want to explore.

However, the website—www.Healthcare.gov—won’t be fully functional until Oct. 1, when the ACA-mandated insurance exchanges go live.

In the meantime, employers—especially small businesses—may feel like they are at the mercy of brokers and insurance carriers if they need up-to-date information. Fortunately, there’s another source.

The nonprofit website www.healthinsurance.org features a well-designed portal with state-by-state (plus the District of Columbia) links to health insurance background data and coverage options. You’ll find:

  • Updates on progress toward implementing state insurance exchanges
  • Links to state agencies that regulate health insurance
  • Access to information about carriers that write coverage in that state
  • Local news affecting health insurance and health care reform implementation.

The site bills itself as “the Internet’s oldest, most-trusted independent site offering consumer information on affordable health and medical coverage.”

It does contain discreet invitations to “click for a quote,” but the site doesn’t make money by selling health insurance.

If you’re looking for comprehensive health insurance information and what appears to be unbiased advice on choosing coverage, check out www.healthinsurance.org.