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Court: Denying transgender-care coverage violates Title VII

For the first time, a federal appeals court has ruled that an employer that provides health insurance for its employees violates Title VII if it refuses to cover transgender care. That, in the words of the court, violates Title VII’s sex-discrimination provisions because it denies transgender workers the same benefits other employees are entitled to.

2025 health insurance renewal: Ask 5 questions to start planning now

Now is the time to start laying the groundwork on your next health insurance renewal go-round. An early start will give you a fighting chance to keep costs under control in 2025.

$360K reasons employers need EPLI insurance coverage

Sometimes, the laws that govern conduct in the workplace conflict in ways that are almost impossible to reconcile. When that happens, litigation is sure to follow. That’s one reason it’s essential to carry employment practices liability insurance. It can help pay for legal costs, damages and settlements when employers find themselves caught between a rock and a hard place, as happened in this case.

Do your benefits line up with what employees want?

The 2024 Workplace Benefits Report from Bank of America offers valuable insights into employees’ evolving needs and expectations. As an HR professional, understanding these trends can help you craft a competitive benefits package that attracts and retains top talent.

Add support benefits for employees diagnosed with early-onset cancer

It’s more likely than ever that some of your employees may be diagnosed with cancer. Employers can provide invaluable support to employees who receive the terrifying news that they have cancer.

No, you can’t use high medical costs as an excuse to terminate a sick worker

A car dealership is out $325,000 and must train managers and supervisors on the ADA and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.

HSA enrollees use fewer outpatient services, prescription drugs

Health Savings Accounts play a role in changing the way employees use health-care services. A new analysis by the Employee Benefit Research Institute found that employees enrolled in HSAs reduce their use of outpatient services and prescription drugs and increase their use of inpatient services.

Survey: Employees say they’re satisfied with health plans

Employees are generally satisfied with how their employer-sponsored health benefits serve their needs, according to the latest Consumer Engagement in Health Care Survey. Conducted by the Employee Benefit Research Institute and Greenwald Research, the 18th annual version of the study polled 2,020 workers.

How to Wipe Out Fraud and Abuse Under FMLA

The medical certification process is your most potent weapon for combating potential FMLA fraud. But obtaining a certification is only the first fraud-stopping step. Here are 10 more things you can do to keep employees from gaming the FMLA system.

Report: Health benefit costs projected to rise 9.9% this year

The WTW Global Medical Trends Survey found the cost of medical care jumped from 7.4% in 2022 to a record high of 10.7% in 2023. The insurer-reported cost trend for 2024 is projected to increase by an average of 9.9%.