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HRIS / Technology

EEOC adds first-ever chief AI officer

In a sign that the EEOC is taking artificial intelligence in human resource management seriously, the agency has created and filled a new position—chief AI officer.

Paging all humans: The FLSA & the FMLA still need you

Artificial intelligence has taken firm hold in American workplaces. By far, the focus is on how generative AI will either streamline tasks or supplant employees altogether. The Department of Labor isn’t buying the employees-will-soon-be-replaced talk. Human oversight is still necessary to the proper functioning of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Family and Medical Leave Act, the DOL concluded.

HR’s big artificial intelligence question: Does AI candidate screening discriminate?

AI skeptics and a growing cadre of plaintiffs’ attorneys argue that instead of preventing hiring bias, relying on an AI algorithm may actually bake discrimination into the selection process. That’s what is alleged in one recent complaint filed with the Federal Trade Commission and another with the EEOC.

AI in recruitment: Harnessing technology for efficient hiring

The recruiting processes used by modern HR teams are evolving rapidly in response to advancements in technology and innovative tools. These tools are not only revolutionizing the methods HR professionals use to identify and attract talent but also significantly improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the hiring process.

Beware AI screening based on race, age and disability

A class-action complaint filed earlier this year takes direct aim at the discriminatory practices inherent in AI tools. Workday, a human resource management service that provides applicant screening services as one of its capabilities, is accused of using machine-learning algorithms and artificial intelligence tools to screen out applicants who are African-American, disabled and/or over the age of 40.

Survey: Employers bracing for regulatory crackdown, legislation on AI in HR

The 12th Annual Employer Survey by the Littler Mendelson employment law firm found that nearly eight in 10 employers expect moderate or significant impacts from compliance efforts by the Department of Labor over the next year, up from 65% in 2022. About three-quarters anticipate moderate or significant impact from the Biden administration’s pro-union National Labor Relations Board.

Use AI to save time and avoid bias in job descriptions

The recent advances in AI could potentially revolutionize how you as an HR professional work. You can use AI tools to streamline the process of writing job descriptions, saving time on research and drafting. However, you’ll want to carefully review to ensure the language aligns with your employer brand.

HR tech remains CHROs’ top investment priority

The Gartner business advisory firm surveyed 113 HR leaders late last year. Forty-eight percent of respondents said they plan to increase their 2024 HR technology budget.

AI and the FLSA: Not happy partners

The EEOC has already issued guidance on AI and the Americans with Disabilities Act and in the hiring process. In conjunction with this collaborative effort, the DOL has issued a Field Assistance Bulletin that addresses AI and the FLSA.

Prepare for more DOL oversight of how AI affects FLSA compliance

The U.S. Department of Labor is gearing up to ensure employers don’t misuse artificial-intelligence tools to track employees’ hours worked or how they spend their on-the-job time.