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Discrimination / Harassment

Why your harassment-reporting system might be failing

A survey of more than 2,000 U.S. workers reveals critical gaps in how organizations handle harassment prevention and response—gaps that could be costing businesses talent and money.

How microaggressions can lead to major legal headaches

A “microaggression” is a subtle, often unintentional comment or action that conveys bias or discrimination against a marginalized group. In the right circumstances, they can amount to an adverse action that supports a workplace retaliation claim.

Lower sick pay for older workers won’t fly

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act and the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act bar discrimination based on age and require older workers to receive the same benefits as younger ones. That includes sick and short-term disability leave.

Employer sued for not opening jobs to women

Employers should know they can’t discriminate against applicants because of their sex, but that message hasn’t made its way to every hiring manager.

Executive order means federal contractors have new anti-discrimination rules to follow

A White House executive order issued the day after President Donald Trump took office is already forcing companies that provide contract services to the federal government to revamp their anti-discrimination policies.

4 steps to make sure anti-harassment policies, practices succeed

Many teenage employees have only a vague understanding of how the workplace works. That’s why it’s crucial for HR to educate teen workers about your anti-harassment policies and work rules before they begin work.

Ensure teen employees understand anti-harassment protections

Many teenage employees have only a vague understanding of how the workplace works. They may have a ton of questions about everything from their job duties to when they will be paid. But most aren’t going to know what HR does or how to ask for help if a co-worker or supervisor is harassing them. That’s why it’s crucial for HR to educate teen workers about your anti-harassment policies and work rules before they begin work.

After Muldrow, beware routine management decisions that may trigger bias lawsuits

Courts recognize that employers must be free to manage their workforces as they see fit—with some limitations. But that live-and-let-live ethos changed when the Supreme Court issued its Muldrow v. St. Louis decision in April 2024.

DOL renews partnership to end gender-based harassment

The U.S. Department of Labor announced that its Women’s Bureau renewed a memorandum of understanding with the International Labour Organization office for the United States and Canada to continue working together to end gender-based violence and harassment in the world of work.

EEOC warns: ‘Wearables’ may cause workplace discrimination

Wearables in the workplace are mostly perceived as benign management tools, although some complain they represent a dystopian step toward Big Brother surveillance. Now the EEOC has weighed in with a fact sheet warning that wearables could enable or perpetuate workplace discrimination and suggesting how employers can mitigate liability.