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Discrimination / Harassment

Natty dread: Avoid grooming rules that ban religious hairstyles

Last year’s blockbuster Supreme Court opinion in Groff v. DeJoy required employers to accommodate almost all religious accommodations requested by employees. However, it’s clear that many employers haven’t yet revamped their policies in light of the ruling—and that’s triggering a flurry of EEOC complaints and religious-discrimination lawsuits.

Agencies address gender-based harassment

The Department of Labor and the EEOC addressed gender-based violence and harassment in the workplace recently. They noted the prevalence of the problem and that dealing with it takes a toll on the victim’s physical and mental health.

Failure to investigate lands HR in trouble

Employers must investigate every harassment claim. That’s true even when the alleged harasser is an owner or executive.

Prepare to pay up if you insist on English fluency or prohibit other languages on the job

While English is the dominant U.S. language, it certainly isn’t the only one spoken in our multicultural society. In fact, employers that insist on English fluency or prohibit speaking another language at work may find themselves running afoul of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and other employment laws, as one employer recently discovered.

More older workers may mean more age-bias, disability-discrimination lawsuits

Older workers make up an increasingly large share of the workforce, and EEOC charges alleging age-based discrimination increased to 14,144 in fiscal year 2023, up sharply from 11,500 the year before.

Anniversary: Civil Rights Act of 1964 hits 60

July 2 marked the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The landmark legislation outlawed, among other things, workplace discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origins.

Can it get worse than this?

It’s not a rhetorical question. We spend the vast majority of our time on tax and payroll issues, as you would expect. So we don’t often run across examples of sexually harassing behavior, let alone something this egregious. But we highlight it when we do, because we all deserve to work in a safe place, free of harassment.

EEOC provides guidance on how to prevent harassment in vulnerable workplaces

Employees in some industries and in isolated workplaces are more likely to experience workplace harassment. The EEOC’s newly expanded enforcement guidelines emphasize that employers can help prevent this from happening by learning to identify high-risk settings. Now the agency has published Promising Practices for Preventing Harassment in the Construction Industry.

HR’s big artificial intelligence question: Does AI candidate screening discriminate?

AI skeptics and a growing cadre of plaintiffs’ attorneys argue that instead of preventing hiring bias, relying on an AI algorithm may actually bake discrimination into the selection process. That’s what is alleged in one recent complaint filed with the Federal Trade Commission and another with the EEOC.

Beware clash between religious freedom and other rights at work

Title VII prohibits discrimination against employees because of their religious beliefs. However, employers are allowed to express their own faith in their places of business. But what if employees oppose their employer’s religious expressions at work not because they adhere to different faith traditions but because they simply object to the employer’s religiously motivated actions?