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Military Leave / USERRA

Honorably discharged and returning to work? Don’t make vets jump through extra hoops

If an employee who is also in the military is called to active duty, is released with an honorable discharge and asks to return to his old job, you cannot place any extraneous conditions on his return.

Can USERRA form the basis of a harassment suit?

A New York federal trial court has sidestepped the question of whether harassment based on military service is illegal under USERRA.

USERRA: Another worry when using independent contractors


Under the Uniformed Services Em­­ployment and Reemployment Rights Act, employees called to active military service are entitled to return to their jobs. That’s not true of independent contractors. But they must really be independent contractors.

Does USERRA require preferential treatment for veterans?

For years, employers have struggled with how to re-­­­­­­­employ soldiers whose military duties have required them to be absent from work. The key question: Does the Uni­­formed Ser­­vices Employment and Re­­em­­ploy­­ment Rights Act (USERRA) make it mandatory to give rehiring preference to returning vets? Finally, courts have begun to bring clarity to the law.

USERRA doesn’t require veteran’s preference

USERRA is not a veteran’s preference law. It merely guarantees that service members can return to work no better or worse off than if they never left.

Employ veterans? Understand interplay with the ADA

Do veterans returning from war with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) qualify as “disabled” under the ADA and, thus, are due accommodations? Questions like that are answered in a new EEOC guidance document.

Cover USERRA, New York law by drafting unequivocal severance releases

Don’t worry that releases you ask employees to sign in exchange for severance pay aren’t broad enough to cover claims under USERRA or the New York Military Law. As long as the release is clear and unequivocal about what’s being waived, it doesn’t have to specifically reference the laws.

Report shows Uncle Sam is biggest USERRA violator

It’s do as we say, not as we do when it comes to complying with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). A Washington Post investigation found that federal government agencies account for 18% of all USERRA complaints filed by returning service members.

How did the new law change USERRA?

Q. How does the recent amendment to the Uniformed Services Employment and Re­em­ploy­­ment Rights Act (USERRA) affect employers?

Warn bosses: No disparaging military service

If a member of the National Guard or reserves is terminated, he or she can use the statement to show that military service was a motivating factor in that termination. That’s all that’s required under USERRA.