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Lift roadblocks to harassment reporting or prepare for a retaliation lawsuit, too

If you place obstacles in the way of reporting potential sexual harassment, expect trouble. Employees who have to jump through hoops to get their concerns addressed may sue.

Petty slights aren’t grounds for a lawsuit

Some workers are thin-skinned and seem to think that little annoyances can add up to a discrimination or retaliation lawsuit. Fortunately, that’s not true.

Action and reaction: EEOC floats guidance on retaliation enforcement

Retaliation claims have risen dramatically in recent years, becoming the most frequently reported basis for discrimination claims.

Court losing patience with baseless lawsuits

Increasingly, courts have been tossing out cases early on when it’s clear the former employee isn’t sure exactly what she thinks the employer did, but just assumes it was some sort of discrimination.

Halting internal probe pending EEOC action isn’t retaliation

Employees who simultaneously file an EEOC charge and an internal complaint usually can’t win a retaliation claim just because their internal complaint was put on hold pending the outcome of the EEOC claim.

Beware rewarding employees who testify on your behalf

Rewarding employee who testified on your behalf can lead to retaliation suit

Short-circuit desperate employee’s lawsuit by tracking every step of disciplinary process

Tracking an employee’s discipline process from beginning to end can can head of retaliation claim

OSHA sues demolition firm for whistleblower retaliation

Regional Environmental Demolition in Niagara Falls faces a federal lawsuit alleging retaliation against a worker who reported a workplace hazard.

Little slights, actions add up to retaliation

When an employee complains that a supervisor is behaving in a discriminatory way, employers must ensure there is no retaliation. Even small things can lead to a big problem.

DOL sues firm, 3 bosses for harassing whistleblowers

The U.S. Department of Labor has filed a lawsuit against a Georgia foam manufacturer and three of its managers for suspending and terminating employees who reported workplace hazards in violation of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.