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Discipline / Investigations

Document circumstances before discipline, as well as punishment that you imposed

Generally, if an employer operates in a fair and equitable fashion, there’s very little room for an employee to file and win a discrimination lawsuit. But how can HR know whether supervisors are imposing balanced discipline without regard to race, sex, religion or other protected characteristics?

Court: Indefinite suspension same as firing

Don’t think that simply suspending someone without pay while you investigate alleged wrongdoing will fly. If the suspension drags on without some sort of resolution, the employee can sue, alleging he or she was actually fired.

Document all details of disciplinary process

If HR begins receiving multiple complaints about a supervisor, it may be time to demote or even fire him even if he remains convinced that verbal abuse is appropriate.

St. Paul business executive cops plea for felony theft

Former St. Jude Medical executive Bryan C. Szweda will pay $117,090 in restitution to the St. Paul medical devices company following a plea deal in which he admitted to stealing $35,000.

Use last-chance agreements to show you’re fair about making termination decisions

Sometimes, it makes sense to use a last-chance agreement in which an employee agrees that one more violation of a company rule will mean immediate termination.

Court issues restraining order against employee? That’s good enough to support discipline

What should happen if a physical altercation in the workplace ends with one employee securing a restraining order against the other? Can you fire the apparent instigator for breaking workplace rules against fighting? Will that expose you to liability?

Is drama about dress really worth a lawsuit?

If you fire someone because the way she dresses causes drama in the workplace, you may face a sex discrimination and harassment claim.

Jury backs worker on progressive discipline

A case we covered last month—see “Consistently apply progressive discipline” in the January 2017 issue of Texas Employment Law—has now gone to trial.

Is that protected activity or an argument? OK to discipline forbidden behavior

Employers have to let workers raise concerns about safety and other workplace problems. However, they don’t have to put up with incessant arguing in the workplace.

Documentation key if you must discipline employee who took protected leave

Document it carefully if, while an employee is out on protected leave, you discover that she has broken a workplace rule that warrants discipline.