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Productivity / Performance

Help employees cope with the new stress of working from home

With everything company leaders are facing, they might not have given much thought to the emotional well-being of their employees. That’s a big mistake, in both the short and long terms. Here are some tips from Stacey Engle of Fierce Conversations to help line managers and HR pros lessen the stress that remote employees may be feeling.

4 ways HR can make life easier for employees

It’s time for your inner HR hero to emerge! Here are four things you can do right now to help co-workers weather the coronavirus chaos.

Build connection & support with creative WFH ideas

When Homes.com, a 400-employee Virginia company, went all remote in March, company leaders launched a plan to provide emotional support, boost morale and recognize achievement.

4 ways to support remote staff with kids

You don’t have to accept inferior work during temporary work-from-home situations, but a bit of flexibility will help boost productivity and retention. Pass along these four tips to supervisors directing remote employees whose children are home from school, too.

Here’s how to review remote staff performance

Performance reviews—often difficult and stressful, always important—pose special challenges when not conducted face-to-face. When it’s time to have those critical performance conversations, these simple tips can help you make the most of virtual meetings.

Good ideas? Follow up with 4 questions

Once your group has brainstormed and come up with ideas to solve a problem, develop a product, etc., you need a way to identify the most profitable suggestions and start developing them. Hold a follow-up session to explore four questions adapted from the techniques of innovation expert Rolf Smith.

Help staff tackle tough projects

Working with your group on a kind of project you’ve never done before presents a special challenge. One way to cope is to use your project status meetings to speed up the learning process for you and your project team—to benefit from your learning as you learn it. Here’s how.

Performance measures steady despite coronavirus

Only 5% of employers have eased the performance standards they expect employees to meet because of coronavirus-related workplace changes, according to a WorldatWork survey.

It’s your call: You decide which rules are critical

A basic principle of employment law is that employers—not employees—get to decide how workers are supposed to do their jobs.

Make sure employees have the tools they need to work from home

As concerns over the coronavirus continue to mount, many companies now require employees to work from home. To maximize productivity during this challenging time, employers must ensure that workers have what they need to function in a remote environment.