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Productivity / Performance

Being placed on improvement plan isn’t automatic proof of poor performance

Don’t expect a court to simply take your word for it that an employee was doing a poor job.

Patience makes discipline bullet-proof

Courts like to see that employers gave employees a chance to improve before firing them for performance problems. That’s why it’s smart to exhaustively document your effort to correct poor performance.

Quiz: How to track employee performance and behavior

Not only will good documentation help you provide more direct feedback to employees, your copious records could help save the organization in case of an employee’s lawsuit.

Performance falling short? Offer second chance with new boss before terminating

The employee will have a hard time winning any subsequent lawsuit, since he had an additional chance to prove himself.

After the honeymoon, how happy are your employees?

Professionals with between one and two years on the job are less happy, less interested in their work and more stressed than those still in their first year.

10 lame excuses for showing up late to work

More than a quarter of workers (29%) admit they roll in late to work at least once per month.

Employee motivation in one–yeah, just one–easy step

Goal-setting focuses energies, opens lines of communication and keeps everyone on track. That’s where an IPP comes in.

Sloppy work heads list of senior execs’ pet peeves

Want to get on your manager’s good side? Don’t let the details slide.

OK to condition telecommuting on performance

Employers often limit telecommuting to employees with high scores on their performance evaluations. That’s reasonable and likely will stand up in court.

How many ‘work martyrs’ do you have on staff?

Almost 40% of employees want to be seen by their boss as a “work martyr.”