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Federal court invalidates some FFCRA regulations

On Aug. 3, a federal judge in New York’s Southern District invalidated some of the hastily drawn regulations implementing paid leave provisions of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

DOL issues new answers on pandemic leave, FLSA and FMLA

The Department of Labor has been busy updating employer advice on the interplay between the coronavirus pandemic and the paid leave provisions of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act and the FMLA.

As pandemic spreads, so do lawsuits: 3 cases to watch

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the chances that your organization will be hit with a lawsuit have risen sharply. There are already hundreds of covid-19 and coronavirus-related lawsuits percolating through state and federal courts.

DOL issues new FMLA forms, hints at changes

The U.S. Department of Labor has just updated its set of official FMLA notification and certification forms—and asked for more employer input, a request that suggests more form changes may soon be on the way.

No day camp…no problem: Paid FMLA leave may still apply

According to the Department of Labor, paid FMLA leave isn’t available after schools close for the summer, because that’s not a coronavirus-related reason. But, up to 12 weeks of paid FMLA leave may be available, if camps or other programs in which employees’ kids were enrolled didn’t open due to the coronavirus.

You make the FMLA ‘healthcare provider’ call

When an employee wants FMLA leave, you don’t have to take her word for it that she has a serious health condition. You may insist on a certification that she is undergoing “continuing treatment by a health care provider.”

Coming to a court near you: covid-19 lawsuits

In just a few weeks, dozens of federal lawsuits have been filed alleging some workplace wrong related to the coronavirus or covid-19.

New coronavirus bill includes more paid leave

The latest coronavirus relief bill—the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act, passed by the House of Representatives on May 15—contains many provisions that will affect employers if it is enacted.

OK to discipline for leaving work ‘feeling sick’

If a worker tells her supervisor she’s having a flareup of a serious health condition and must leave, that may invoke the FMLA, the ADA or both. But a run-of-the-mill, “I feel sick and am going home” declaration isn’t protected activity.

Calling off sick doesn’t trigger FMLA rights notice

Employers are obliged to let employees know about their FMLA rights—when it’s clear they are dealing with a serious health condition. Merely calling off sick won’t cut it.