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Supreme Court: Vance case revisits supervisor liability under Title VII

The Supreme Court tackles a contentious issue: When it comes to harassment and discrimination, just what does “supervisor” mean? Regardless of how the Court rules, employers must ensure that their policies and practices are consistent with Title VII.

Long gap after complaint won’t support retaliation claim

A federal court has ruled that a two-year gap between an employee’s discrimination complaint and alleged retaliation is too long. Otherwise, employers could face retaliation claims years or even decades after resolving an original complaint.

Bias complaint? Beware retaliation claim, too

Here’s an important reminder for employers when an employee alleges discrimination. Regardless of the merit of the original claim, remind supervisors they can’t retaliate.

‘Bias’ never mentioned? That won’t stop retaliation suit

There are no magic words an em­­ployee has to utter in order to engage in protected activity. As long as what he says would lead a reasonable person to conclude he’s complaining about some form of discrimination, he has protection from retaliation.

Cite business reasons to justify terminations

Here’s how to win termination lawsuits: Back up your decisions with solid business reasons for the discharge—especially if you had to let people go to reduce labor costs or otherwise survive financial hardship.

Informal comment to HR? Beware retaliation suit

An employee’s casual remark to HR can lay the groundwork for a retaliation claim if the comment could be interpreted as objecting to some form of discrimination. That’s good reason to train HR staff to report all comments and consider them as protected activity.

Use hotline records to nail down complaints

A hotline makes it easy for employees to file complaints internally—and for you to keep track of the kinds of complaints they are making. That can come in handy later if there’s a dispute about when or about what an employee complained.

Supervisor deserves termination? Fire away–even if he’s a member of a protected class

Hey, it happens: Sometimes, supervisors screw up. Go ahead and discipline them for their mistakes, even if you’re afraid your actions might trigger a discrimination or harassment lawsuit.

Remind bosses: No comments about EEOC complaints

When an employee files an EEOC complaint or lets anyone know he has sued former employers, remind managers not to say anything.

Feel free to fire! There’s no reason you have to tolerate threatening behavior

Have you had it with an em­­ployee who can’t seem to get along with others and who constantly tries to intimidate co-workers? If warnings don’t help, fire him.