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I-9 document bias: Lessons from the Gap case

When completing I-9 forms, HR professionals often focus too much on being “form enforcers” without realizing they could face discrimination charges for demanding that new hires produce certain documents.

DHS unveils new workplace immigration strategy: What does it mean for I-9s and E-Verify?

In October, the Department of Homeland Security released an internal memo that outlines a new shift in worksite enforcement strategy from the various governmental agencies that oversee I-9 and E-Verify compliance.

Fewer ICE raids means more employer scrutiny

The Biden administration recently announced that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement would end its longstanding practice of raiding workplaces to sweep up and deport undocumented workers. On its face, that sounds like a major change in immigration policy that might take the heat off employers. It won’t.

DHS halting raids to detain undocumented workers

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents will focus on identifying and removing undocumented immigrants who pose “a threat to our national security, public safety and border security.” They will also shift their focus to employers.

Remote inspection of I-9 docs extended through Dec. 31

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has extended covid-related rules that let employers remotely examine new employees’ work eligibility documents instead of physically reviewing them.

DACA overturned, current permit holders can remain

A federal court has ruled that the federal government’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program was established illegally. If you employ people who hold DACA work permits, the ruling could affect your staff members.

Prepare for the end of virtual I-9 verification

If your organization has been taking advantage of the relaxed COVID-era rule to verify new hires’ I-9 documents via electronic means, start planning now to perform an in-person review of all those documents.

First Friday in April: A little of this, a little of that and a serving of humble pie

Let’s look at what’s payroll-related in President Biden’s infrastructure plan, among other issues (but first, the all-important designated hitter debate continues).

Executive order reinstates DACA

An executive order issued Jan. 20 means immigrants with work permits obtained through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program are temporarily safe from deportation.

With DACA restored, prep for more applicants

U.S. District Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis reversed a Department of Homeland Security policy that allowed current DACA certificate holders to renew their DACA status but prohibited new applications. The order cleared the way for an estimated 300,000 potentially eligible individuals to apply for protection.