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Link staff to the mission: Offer them your service, product


Need an inexpensive benefit and an easy way to boost morale? Allow employees to partake in the services your organization provides to customers (either for free or at a reduced price)

How to handle disabled applicants who bring a ‘Job coach’ to the interview


In many states, vocational programs pair disabled residents with “job coaches,” who help them find appropriate work and adapt to those jobs. Since the ADA also requires employers to make reasonable accommodations during the hiring process, make sure job coaches are welcome in your interviews

Video résumés: Set a policy and plan for the legal risks


It’s not every day that you’ll receive a video résumé—especially one like Yale student Aleksey Vayner famously sent to big New York financial services firms showing him pumping iron, ballroom dancing and boasting about his smarts. But you’ll likely start receiving video résumés soon enough

‘Hello, Liability?’ The new trend of telephone testing


Why does “testing” bring about that sledgehammer-in-the-stomach feeling? Maybe because, as students, we never knew quite what to expect. Now, the same is true when it comes to a recent trend in employment-law cases: applicants and employees making phone calls to secretly test whether your organization is discriminating

Employees injured during horseplay at work may be entitled to workers’ comp benefits


Florida employers ordinarily don’t have to pay workers’ compensation benefits for employees who are hurt while engaging in horseplay. But that provision doesn’t provide much protection when workers’ comp judges split hairs over what’s technically off-duty horseplay and what’s just a momentary deviation from job duties

KKK videos and swastikas cause AK Steel Corp. to lose bias suit


AK Steel Corp. will pay $600,000 to seven black employees and an employee’s estate to settle a hostile environment case at its Butler facility …

NYC firefighters’ burning issue: Is a Locker ‘Private Space’?


Responding to complaints about pornographic and hostile messages displayed on firefighters’ lockers, the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) asked superior officers to oversee the removal of all offensive materials …

Skater’s harassment suit puts the Garden on thin ice


Ex-Rangers City skater Courtney Prince has produced a paper trail to support her sexual harassment suit against Madison Square Garden. She introduced memos showing the Garden staff was digging up dirt on her before she filed suit …

AIDS Programs


HR Law 101: As AIDS continues to affect all segments of the population, the workplace is feeling the consequences. Employers are now compelled to confront issues related to AIDS, such as employees’ fear of the disease, company policy decisions and benefit programs …

10 ways to squeeze more value from your EAP


Is your organization reaping the full financial benefits from its employee assistance program (EAP)? If employees aren’t using it, the answer is probably “no” …