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Mandatory Off-Site Counseling Sessions May Be Paid ‘Work Time’


If you require hourly employees to attend counseling or training workshops outside normal working hours as a condition of employment, you may need to pay employees for those hours. You may also need to pay the employees’ travel time, too …

6 common mistakes made during investigations, training


Are your anti-harassment efforts legally bulletproof, or are they full of holes? Probably somewhere in between, if you’re like most employers. Here are six holes that need patching in many employers’ training and investigation practices …

Capture knowledge from key people before they exit


Your organization could lose critical knowledge if certain employees leave. Yet, top management often hesitates to address that risk. By taking steps to capture "at risk" information, you build a stronger organization … and boost your own standing …

Pregnancy is no joking matter; ‘Prego’ is akin to a racial slur


If your supervisors think little jokes about pregnancy and childbirth are nothing but harmless banter, set them straight. Use the following case to remind them that singling out pregnant employees is legally dangerous …

Keep ‘Customer Preference’ Out of Your Hiring Criteria


Make sure your hiring managers understand that basing hiring decisions on the prejudices of your customer base is a sure way to land in court. Applicants’ race, age, sex or religion should always be irrelevant. Courts won’t be swayed by claims that customer preferences forced your hiring hand …

You need luck to uncover fraud, but a bit of skill helps, too


While most workplace financial fraud is discovered by chance, it still pays to institute controls that can identify such scams. A new PricewaterhouseCoopers study of 3,600 employers found that 45 percent of respondents had detected incidents of fraud …

Teach managers to support staff during crunch time


Overworked and underappreciated: That’s a recipe for brisk employee turnover. By teaching supervisors how to support employees during periodic peak times, you’ll improve retention. Have managers use these four simple steps to reach out to stressed-out workers …

When can nonsexual bullying equal sexual harassment?


f you think sexual harassment involves only those headline-grabbing actions like groping behind closed doors or demands for sex, you’re wrong. The law also says that if your organization tolerates employees who single out co-workers of one gender for abusive (nonsexual) treatment, you could be liable for a sexual harassment lawsuit based on a hostile environment …

Are you wired for field HR or corporate HR?


Field HR or corporate HR: Neither career path is necessarily better; each has its own challenges and rewards. But there are important differences between the two that influence your career direction. Knowing those distinctions is a key step in any HR job move …

‘Customer preference’ is no reason for discriminatory hiring choices

Make sure your hiring managers understand that customer preference should play no part in their hiring decisions. Applicants’ race, age, sex or religion …