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Memos to Managers

Manager quiz: How effective is your team?

Genuine teamwork in most organizations is as elusive as it’s ever been, says Patrick Lencioni in his book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. Take this quiz to see what is holding your team back from being in perfect harmony

After job-bias complaint, remind managers to keep calm & manage on

While employees filed fewer charges of job discrimination in 2014 than the year before, one new statistic from the EEOC should make HR and employers stand up and take notice: More than 2 in 5 charges last year allege some form of retaliation against the employee for pursuing the discrimination claim.

Documenting performance: 3 most common mistakes

In court, clear and specific documentation about an employee’s performance or behavior can mean the difference between a quick employer victory and an expensive defeat.

Pregnant employee? Better know the law

When an employee tells you she’s pregnant, it may bring on mixed emotions for supervisors. While you’re happy for the employee, you’re anxious about the impact on scheduling, productivity—and whether she will quit after the birth.

How to make yourself into a leader, not just a boss

Some people use the words interchangeably. But for many people, the traditional boss is someone who turns employees off, while a leader turns them on. That’s why it’s important to understand how to become a true leader of your team. Here are some useful guidelines.

How to effectively manage workaholic employees

Suspect you’re managing a workaholic? Here are tips to help the employee find balance, and the organization cut costs and liability.

Let them butt heads! How to inspire healthy conflict

Good managers want employees to constructively challenge their ideas because it produces better decisions and problem-solving.

Self-test: How well do you keep employees on task?

Workplace surveys suggest that employees waste up to one full day of every workweek—up to nine weeks a year—with unproductive time. While some of the blame lies with inefficient or unmotivated employees, some can be chalked up to decisions made (or not made) by managers.

Win by losing: 7 bad communication habits to shed

The quickest way for managers to improve their professional image is to improve their communication skills. And the simplest way to improve those skills is to stop doing things that repeatedly get you in trouble.

Interviewing: Close the sale with the right message

Everyone who comes in contact with prospective job candidates, from receptionists to hiring managers, must think of themselves as salespeople at times. Here are tips to help achieve that goal.