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Discipline / Investigations

Solid rules, documentation, enforcement are keys to winning discharge cases

Employers that prepare as if they will be sued over every employment decision will win most discrimination cases. If you follow certain guidelines, chances are no fired employee will successfully sue you for discrimination or retaliation. Employers that get sloppy most often lose lawsuits …

IT workers said the surfing was better at work

Two employees at North Carolina Central University and one at North Carolina State University have been fired for downloading pornography. The workers also downloaded movies, music, games and software. One of the workers allowed a friend to use his university-owned computer to download music …

What to do when employee is caught stealing

Q. While a manager at one of our locations was on vacation, we performed an audit of her books and discovered that she had written unauthorized checks to herself totaling $25,000. We intend to confront her and terminate her. What else should we do? …

Workplace bullying by managers: Unpleasant, but is it illegal?

According a recent Zogby International survey, 37% of U.S. workers report that they’ve been bullied at work. Not surprisingly, they say, the overwhelming majority (72%) of bullies are bosses. Workplace bullying is harassment that’s not necessarily based on an employee’s protected characteristic, such as gender or race. But, unlike harassment based on a protected class, bullying may not be illegal …

The 5 rules for documenting HR decision-making


The best way to prevent lawsuits is to carefully document every employment decision. HR professionals and supervisors should be able to show exactly when a decision was made, who made it and what the basis for the decision was …

Is that leave legit? You can discipline for FMLA ‘Vacation’

Do you suspect that some of your employees take FMLA leave for something a little less serious than tending to the health care needs of themselves or their relatives? If so, here’s some good news: You can and should check up on suspicious FMLA usage …

Hold onto those notes! Even accidental destruction can mean trouble

You know it’s crucial to document all disciplinary actions. No doubt, you’ve told managers and supervisors to keep all notes, memos and other paperwork. Those records could be invaluable later if you ever need to show that all your disciplinary decisions were based on good business judgment, performance and other legitimate and relevant reasons …

Investigate even when employee complains belatedly


When it comes to reporting sexual harassment, employees have an obligation to use their employer’s complaint process, even if doing so may be uncomfortable. If they don’t, they may lose the right to sue for a hostile work environment. But what happens if an employee has tolerated mild harassment for years without complaining? …

Be ready to justify different punishment for like offenses

The cardinal HR rule is that employees who break the same rule should receive similar punishments. That doesn’t mean, however, that you have no flexibility if the circumstances warrant it. You just have to make sure you can justify why you disciplined one employee differently than another …

Don’t sweat innocent mistakes when deciding on disciplining

Good news: You don’t have to be perfect when disciplining employees. As long as you can show you acted in good faith, you don’t have to worry that a court will second-guess your disciplinary decisions …