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Labor Relations / Unions

Federal employment bias claims may be subject to grievance arbitration


On April 1, the U.S. Supreme Court held that arbitration provisions in collective-bargaining agreements that clearly and unmistakably require arbitration of Age Discrimination in Employment (ADEA) claims are enforceable.

What is the Employee Free Choice Act?


Q. Can you give me a rundown on the “card check” law everyone is so afraid will transform labor-management relations?

Employers: ‘Keep Out!’ Beware intruding in employee web sites


It’s becoming a common problem: An employer discovers disparaging comments on an employee’s Facebook, MySpace or personal blog. Maybe a post reveals internal company information. Can the employer take disciplinary action? A series of new laws and evolving legal doctrines have placed limits on how far an employer can encroach on the private and off-site activities of its employees.

Labor union steps up Wal-Mart organizing campaign


The United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) has sighted Wal-Mart in its cross-hairs. The union has sent 60 organizers to more than 100 Wal-Mart stores in 15 states to try to crack the nation’s largest employer.

State government employees seek right to join unions


North Carolina is one of two states in the nation that bars public employees from unionizing. (Virginia is the other.) That may be changing. Legislators met with concerned state employees earlier this spring to discuss changing the 50-year-old law.

Temple’s nurse pool leads to labor headache


The Temple University Health System will have to collectively bargain with a larger group of nurses following a recent Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board (PLRB) ruling.

College violated law when it withdrew health care option


The Michigan Court of Appeals has decided Wayne County Community College violated state law when it eliminated the traditional Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan from the list of plans available to college employees.

How does a layoff affect seniority for someone receiving workers’ comp benefits?


Q. We have an employee who had been performing light-duty work for more than six months. We laid him off based on his seniority. Now he is receiving workers’ compensation benefits again. Our collective-bargaining agreement provides that an employee will lose seniority after being laid off for a year. Does the fact that our employee is receiving workers’ comp benefits have any effect on his seniority rights?

SF Chronicle employees ratify contract concessions


The California Media Workers Guild has announced that its members voted to accept concessionary amendments to their collective-bargaining contract with the San Francisco Chronicle.

Court of Appeal rules in favor of grocery workers


A California Court of Appeal has reversed a ruling against grocery store workers represented by the United Food and Commercial workers who were locked out during a 4½-month labor dispute in 2003 and 2004. The dispute stemmed from an effort by approximately 8,000 workers at Albertsons and Ralphs grocery stores to obtain unemployment benefits for the time they were locked out.