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Employment Law

Prepare for more lawsuits objecting to DEI

In June, the U.S. Supreme Court decided two religious-freedom and -discrimination cases. One allowed a web designer to decline to serve customers if the assignment went against her religious beliefs. The other made it harder for employers to refuse to accommodate a worker’s religious beliefs. Now, a freshly filed federal discrimination lawsuit brings the two principles together for the first time.

Review work rules in light of NLRB’s new pro-employee ruling

As political winds shift, so do National Labor Relations Board rulings. Nowhere has this been more apparent than in the realm of cases addressing worker rights under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.

CROWN Act spreads among the states in effort to prevent race discrimination

Texas recently became the 21st state to add natural hairstyle protection to its laws prohibiting discrimination in employment. It’s part of a legislative trend to enact what are called CROWN Acts.

Add COVID brain fog to the growing list of disabilities requiring reasonable accommodation

According to a new study published in The Lancet, individuals who contracted COVID-19 and experienced continuing or recurring symptoms like brain fog often experience lasting cognitive damage. For employers and the supervisors who manage employees with long-COVID brain fog, it means offering reasonable accommodations when requested.

ADA: Consider hybrid work as possible reasonable accommodation

Under the ADA, disabled workers may be entitled to modified work schedules if it will allow them to perform the essential functions of their jobs. However, most courts recognize that in-person work can be an essential job function. But then there’s hybrid work in which employees sometimes report to their employers’ premises and sometimes work from home. Can hybrid work be a reasonable accommodation for a disabled worker?

Is working a 16-hour shift an essential function? Maybe

The ADA requires employers to make reasonable accommodations so disabled employees can perform the essential functions of their jobs. Generally, employers get to determine which functions are essential and which are not. Courts tend to defer to an employer’s assessment of what’s essential and what is not when determining whether a reasonable accommodation is possible. However, it’s not a slam-dunk that they will.

What the big UPS–Teamsters Union contract means for employers

United Parcel Service and the Teamsters Union, which represents more than 340,000 UPS employees, have tentatively agreed to a new union contract that—if approved by rank-and-file workers—will avert a strike that threatened to shut down the U.S. supply chain just as retailers are gearing up for busy back-to-school and holiday seasons.

EEOC releases guidance on accommodating employees with visual disabilities

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 18.4% of all U.S. adults are blind or have “some” or “a lot” of difficulty seeing, even when wearing corrective lenses.

How to protect against the coming explosion of anti-DEI lawsuits

When the U.S. Supreme Court in June struck down Harvard University’s affirmative action admissions plan, it wrote that “[e]liminating racial discrimination means eliminating all of it.” Now employers with diversity, equity and inclusion programs worry that their efforts to achieve a diverse workplace will come under attack, too.

Ask these questions when challenging employee requests for religious accommodations

According to the Supreme Court, employers can’t justify turning down a request for a religious reasonable accommodation because of its impact on morale for co-workers who may have to pick up weekend or holiday shifts so their religious colleague can have the time off. However, nothing in the recent Groff v. DeJoy decision says employers can’t challenge up front whether an employee is eligible for religious accommodations.