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Illegal aliens entitled to bias protection.

The National Labor Relations Board ordered a company to reinstate workers and give them back pay for unfair labor practices. In doing so, the company’s attorney found out Jose Castro lied …

You and staffing firm share ADA responsibility

If you use contingent workers, both you and the staffing agency may be considered “employers,” which means you share the duty of accommodating a disabled worker, according to new guidance from …

Leaving spot vacant won’t erase promotion bias

Branford Dodoo, an African-American, was continually passed over for advancement at his place of employment. In one case, a promotion went to a younger white male who had been with …

Legality of arbitration depends where you are

Before you require employees to arbitrate claims against you, find out whether it will stand up in court. A federal court in California recently barred a law firm from requiring …

Catch up on flurry of midnight regulations

A blizzard of new regulations affecting businesses came out in the final days of the Clinton administration. The new ergonomic rules may be the most expensive in …

Keep your word: Reversing oral job offer can result in fraud claim

Charles Cohen says he walked out of a job interview with an oral offer for a new job with an e-business service provider, a company that did work for his current …

Check state law for drug testing policy


Q. Is drug testing permitted under Maryland law? —L.R., Maryland

No need to give ‘bonus points’ to disabled applicants

Nancy Houser suffered a severe elbow injury at work, making it impossible to use that arm for lifting in her warehouse job. The company transferred her to greeting visitors …

Be wary of limiting workers’ job prospects

Because a temporary staffing agency wanted to protect its investment in recruiting and hiring temps, it made its temps sign restrictive covenants preventing …

Use new EEOC manual to ensure your benefits don’t discriminate

Whether you’ve been revving up employee benefits to find and keep top talent or paring them down to control costs, take a closer look at the impact. The Equal Employment …