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Compensation & Benefits

Cure sick-leave abuse

The percentage of sick days taken because workers see them as a use-it-or-lose-it entitlement has doubled since 1995, according to a new survey by CCH Inc. As a result, the cost …

FMLA: 6th Circuit clarifies which employees are eligible

To be eligible under the Family and Medical Leave Act, an employee must have at least 1,250 hours of service with the employer during the previous 12 months. But be careful …

Notify employees before stripping unused vacation


Q. Can we require employees to forfeit vacation time that they don’t use within a certain period? —G.J., Massachusetts

OSHA safety rules: Do homework on employee home work

If you were watching the U.S. Labor Department last month, you might have whiplash from its quick turnaround on policy guidance regarding an employer’s responsibility for the safety of employee home …

Controlling work may control immunity for workers’ comp

A temporary employment agency got Raymond Shaw a job at a Thrift Drug warehouse and paid his wages, insurance and other benefits. But when he tripped on a bolt, it turned …

Moms may refuse workers’ comp treatment

The American Red Cross tried to terminate or modify Colleen Curran’s workers’ compensation benefits when she refused to undergo medical treatment it considered reasonable.
But a workers’ comp judge found …

Let managers know they may be held personally liable for bias

Wendy Vivian didn’t just sue her employer for racial and sexual discrimination. She went after her supervisor to hold him personally liable and the state Supreme Court gave her the green …

Beware of requiring lengthy travel without paying for worker’s time

As a refrigerator and utility mechanic, David Kavanagh traveled to more than 50 stores. Although his employer paid him for travel time during the day, it didn’t cover his commute to …

Protect your business from ‘identity theft’


Identity theft is one of the nation’s fastest-growing crimes, and it can hit businesses as well as individuals.
A thief uses your credit card, Social Security number or business identification …