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Discipline / Investigations

Even ‘harmless’ banter can create a hostile environment

Issue: A new ruling lowers the bar on what courts consider sexual harassment.
Risk: Allowing “boys to be boys”, even if they don’t target anyone for abuse, can now cost …

Tap new EEOC Web site for investigation insight

The EEOC is coming after you for workplace discrimination. Now what? One good source, surprisingly, is the EEOC’s own site, which now offers a section titled “EEOC Investigations, What an Employer …

Perform ‘spot check’ for offensive pictures, calendars

The EEOC recently slapped a Pennsylvania steel plant with a sexual harassment lawsuit. The alleged crime? It “condoned sexual harassment” by allowing some employees to post erotic pictures, posters and calendars …

Take extra anti-harassment steps with young staff

Warning: Courts may view especially young workers differently when it comes to the issue of harassment, affording them more leeway when they fail …

Never assume a pregnant employee is unable to work; ask questions

Under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA), you can’t fire a pregnant worker simply because of her condition. Nor can you force her to take leave as long as she’s physically …

He broke a rule? What to say

No one likes to discipline team members, but eventually you’ll face a gut-wrenching moment when you have to enforce the organization’s rules.

Pursue harassment claims, even if complaining worker backs off

You know to investigate harassment complaints when they land on your desk. But what if the complaining employee shows a lack of interest in her initial complaint, …

Pursue claims, even if complaining worker backs off

Issue: Courts place the burden on employers to complete investigations of sexual harassment complaints, even in the face of reluctant complainants.
Risk: Failing to pursue complaints actively will come back …

Investigating workplace harassment: 10 steps to success

Issue: Responding to employee harassment complaints is a high-stakes venture.
Risk: A botched investigation can damage employee moral and spark a lawsuit.
Action: Make sure you (or any manager …

Don’t dock exempt worker for partial-Day absence


Q. If an exempt employee has no more paid leave left, can he take a couple hours off without pay? We’d just manually adjust his salary to reflect this. —A.D., Pennsylvania