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Employee Relations

Get back to normal, minus the telework stigma

Telework saved countless organizations during the pandemic. Remote work shed its occasional stigma as a privilege or a grudging accommodation of special-case employees. But as the covid crisis winds down, backlash against telework has begun to surface again.

Steady the ship when employees lose their balance: 3 tips

Employee disengagement or burnout isn’t always apparent, and some employers may be in for a surprise if and when the COVID-19 pandemic winds down. Leaders need to learn how to recognize when the people around them—peers, colleagues, but especially subordinates—are out of balance or are heading in the wrong direction.

Keep antsy employees from jumping ship

Some of the employees who loyally stuck with your company throughout the pandemic may be getting ready to bolt. It’s not too late to stop them!

Here, there, everywhere: Foster harmony and productivity with a hybrid workforce

Flexible, hybrid arrangements allow for better safety precautions and relieve some of the chaos experienced by working parents with children e-learning at home. For managers, however, the set-up can prove a major headache. How can leaders improve the harmony of a hybrid workforce and perhaps save their own sanity?

As pandemic eases, which employees should you bring back into the workplace?

Many employees who were sent home at the start of the pandemic are in no rush to return to the workplace full time. The “when” and “who” and “where” of returning your workers requires looking at these key questions, according to attorney Jon Hyman.

Be persistent with new procedures

You probably already know the basic steps in helping your employees implement a new work procedure. Whether it’s an improved way to handle customer calls or a better manufacturing process, you can’t give these steps the once-over—you have to be excessive all the way through to make the transition work.

What causes conflict between remote employees?

The top cause of conflict among remote employees stems from “lack of transparency or honesty about something important,” followed by “clash of values” and “false accusations,” according to a survey of 1,000 U.S. remote employees by MyPerfectResume.

Document reason for every act of discipline

Always record the facts of every incident that warrants discipline, including the exact reason you chose to punish the employee the way you did. It’s the best way to head off an employee lawsuit alleging she was disciplined harshly because of some protected characteristic.

Employers weigh permanent work-from-home option

The coronavirus pandemic has made it clear that many employees perform perfectly well when working remotely, so much so that companies are already hatching plans to make working from home permanent.

America’s 20 hardest-working cities ranked

Take five, Anchorage! You’re the nation’s hardest-working city, according to a new study by personal-finance website WalletHub.