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Employee Relations

Documenting discipline: Your step-by-step guide

Your best defense against a lawsuit claiming you wrongly fired a poor worker is solid documentation of deficient performance. Courts are less likely to believe discrimination or retaliation was the reason you fired someone if you can show you gave him or her a real chance to live up to workplace expectations.

Beyond perks: What Gen Z really wants from employers

In an era of AI and remote work, Gen Z is shocking employers by pushing for human connection in the workplace. The recent 2024 Career Interest Survey of over 10,000 Gen Z students across all 50 states provides valuable insights for HR professionals looking to attract and retain the next generation of workers.

Global cost of disengaged workers: $8.9 trillion in lost productivity

Good news: Gallup found that 23% of employees worldwide felt involved and enthusiastic about their work in 2023. That level of engagement matches a record high set in 2022. Bad news: That leaves 62% of workers not engaged—they “show up, do the bare minimum and are uninspired by their work.”

U.S. workers among most engaged—and stressed—in the world

Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace 2024 Report ranks the U.S. and Canada first in the world in employee engagement. On the flipside, only workers in the Middle East and North Africa reported more daily stress.

The 10 most-detested business clichés of 2024

Business buzzwords come and go. Employees wish these 10 corporate clichés would vanish, according to outplacement firm Careerminds.com, which commissioned a poll of 3,000 workers. Pass them around to your managers, spread the word and erase them from your vocabulary.

Follow these 4 rules to make progressive discipline hold up in court

Having a rigorous system of progressive discipline is the best way to prove in court that an employee fired for inferior performance was treated fairly and in accordance with your company’s policies. Base progressive discipline on these four rules.

Manage summer vacation requests without killing productivity

With a long, four-day Fourth of July weekend looming in less than a month, you’ve probably already felt the heat of employees clamoring to schedule vacation time. Use these tips to manage vacation schedules and maintain productivity:

Reality check: Are your employees ‘quiet vacationing’?

Summer vacation season has arrived, and some employees plan to leave their desks behind for travel or a staycation. Others may not be submitting a leave request, instead taking time away from the office without officially requesting PTO. This is the latest workplace trend, dubbed “quiet vacationing.”

The vital importance of diligent documentation

One critical area that HR professionals must always remind managers about is the importance of diligently documenting employee performance issues. Taking the time and care to document thoroughly can save you and your company major headaches later.

Thoughtful onboarding initiatives help avoid turnover

It’s the summer hiring season, and regardless of whether you land a seemingly perfect hire, improper onboarding can derail their trajectory before it starts. Here’s how to cultivate engagement and retention from Day One.