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If business takes a turn for the worse, do we still have to hold job after FMLA?

Q. Under Texas law, if I have an employee returning from maternity leave, do I have to give her the same job hours as before her leave? The reason for the reduction in hours is due to sales being down.

Serial FMLA requests? Respond to every one

Some employees seem to believe that every minor illness is grounds for FMLA leave. If it’s clear an absence is for an illness not covered by the FMLA, say so. That way, an employee can’t later argue that he was unfairly denied leave when you include the absence in the disciplinary process.

Develop process for extending FMLA leave

Some employees aren’t quite ready to return from FMLA leave after their 12 weeks are up. How you handle their request can make the difference between winning and losing a discrimination lawsuit.

Bill would extend FMLA to employers of more than 25

Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, D–N.Y., has reintroduced legislation that would require more employers to provide unpaid leave to employees who need to care for themselves or a family member. The Family and Medical Leave Enhancement Act would extend FMLA protections to workers in companies with more than 25 employees.

Make sure employees are clear about your system for counting FMLA leave

Your organization is free to run FMLA leave concurrently with other paid leave. To avoid a lawsuit, just make sure you tell employees exactly how you are accounting for their FMLA leave.

Must we indefinitely retain injured employee who has been out on workers’ comp?

Q. We have an employee who has been out with a work-related back injury for more than six months. We have not received any indication from her doctor about when she will be able to return. Must we keep her on workers’ compensation leave status indefinitely? Do we have to indefinitely hold open her job?

Remind bosses: Employees approved for intermittent FMLA leave are entitled to take it

Employees with chronic conditions may need time off, but can’t always plan those absences in advance. And that may mean understaffed positions on short notice. That’s unfortunate, but it’s something a good manager must work around—and something HR should monitor.

ADA: You may not have to honor employee’s request for gradual return to work


It may be a reasonable accommodation to grant additional time off after a disabled employee has used up her FMLA entitlement and other leave. But what if the disabled employee wants a gradual return to work, easing back in by working part time?

Light duty and the Pregnancy Discrimination Act

Sometimes, it may be appropriate to offer light-duty assignments to pregnant employees. However, there’s a right way and a wrong way to handle those accommodations.

Don’t let manager’s attitude taint new mom’s career

Some managers don’t think mothers-to-be are serious about their work. That attitude can spell trouble for an employee’s future opportunities in subtle ways. Don’t let it happen.