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Employment Law

Baseless claims won’t trigger anti-retaliation protection

While it may be tempting, avoid firing employees in reaction to their in-house complaints or lawsuits, even if you think the charges are without merit. Reason: A jury will likely see …

Revisit severance pay as a recruiting tool

If your organization has offered little or no severance pay, now’s a good time to beef up that benefit.
Reason: Choppy economic conditions the past few years saw many employees …

Using GPS to track employees: Know your rights, responsibilities

It’s a fact: A small but growing number of employers use location-awareness technology, better known as global positioning systems, or GPS, to help keep track of their employees, boost productivity, sharpen …

Return pregnant employee to equivalent job


Q. When an employee returns from maternity leave, do we have to give her the very same job she had or can she be put to work in a different type of position? —J.B., North Carolina

Labor unveils final overtime rules: What now?

Issue: The Labor Department has finalized rules that redefine which employees are eligible for overtime pay. Benefit/risks: Clearer rules should cut your misclassification risks, but you face a steep learning …

Can you ban males from ‘female-focused’ jobs?

Issue: Some employers want to create male-only or female-only positions, often for privacy reasons.
Risk: You risk a discrimination lawsuit if this policy doesn’t have a sound business reason …

Serious illness, not just its symptoms, triggers FMLA

Issue: Can employees earn FMLA leave if they just show symptoms of an ailment that eventually becomes a qualifying “serious condition?” Benefit: The answer is “No.” You don’t have to …

Handle soon-to-retire employees with care

Issue: If an employee has one foot out the door, can you push the other foot out, too?
Risk: “Retiring” an employee before he’s ready can open the organization to …

Even ‘Optional’ company events carry risks


Q. Awhile back you suggested that we provide transportation home for employees who suffer an illness that could be work-related. Would that apply to company parties for which employees’ attendance is voluntary? —C.K, Illinois

Job openings: No duty to notify employees on leave


Q. One of our employees is on leave after giving birth. She may qualify for a position that recently opened up. Do we have an obligation to notify her of that opening? —R.D., Ohio