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Employment Law

Body Odor: Clear the Air Over Staff Dress Code


Q. In the December 2000 issue, you discussed the topic of employees with body odor. We also have a staff member with body odor so bad that other staff members have complained and even threatened to leave the agency. The employee has been disciplined several times and required to go home without pay until she agrees to comply with the dress code. At what point can we legally terminate her? —A.S., Michigan

New schedule legal, barring contract or illegal reason


Q. Our company of 15 employees manufactures labels in California. We have an employee whom we want to move from the day shift to the swing shift. Although this employee has the most seniority, he has the least experience with the presses we run during the day. When we told the employee of our plans, he said that moving him would be illegal. Is he correct? We are worried that if we move him and he quits, it won’t be the last time that we hear from him. —T.R., California

Check state law for drug testing policy


Q. Is drug testing permitted under Maryland law? —L.R., Maryland

Gambling on who may sue is a losing bet

When racial tensions among third-shift employees at a Wal-Mart boiled over, Gail Robinson reported it to her managers several times. African-American co-workers called her “white bitch,” shoved and threatened her …

Beware of employee’s ‘Let’s Make a Deal’

HR director Cheryl Swenson didn’t wait for the standard severance package when the senior VP for human resources said her job would be eliminated. Swenson contacted the president and CEO …

Craft rif to avoid appearance of bias

Related telecommunications companies decided to slash middle management. How they did it landed them in court fighting several claims, including age discrimination. Indiana Bell and Ameritech created complex ranking systems …

Jilted lover’s badgering could become your problem

Joseph Succar’s affair with Clemencia Lorenz soured after about a year. At the school where they worked, she verbally and physically harassed Succar and tried to embarrass him in front of …

Rating system for job reassignments has to be scored fairly

When a medical supply company reorganized its sales force, it rated existing employees on a “matrix” of skills. Although Deborah Goosby had won several sales awards, she was put in …

Stray remarks add to suspicions of bias

With nearly 30 years of experience and several awards for selling animal health products, Marvin Fisher was assigned to a top sales unit after a company merger. About a year later, the company…

Deductions endanger exempt status

A group of New York City employees was designated as salaried and exempt from overtime, but several regulations subjected city workers to pay deductions and suspension for absences. None of these …