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Employment Law

Employees must know company disclosure limits


Q. During a recent Internet chat room exchange, an individual self-identified as an employee came to our company’s defense over a recent drop in stock price. The employee came dangerously close to disclosing information about earnings that were not yet public. What should we do? —C.F., New Jersey

ADA accommodation: Not a one-shot deal

Some days Carolyn Humphrey tried from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. just to get ready for work. She would rinse her hair for up to an hour. If it didn’t “feel …

Administrative staff: Who’s exempt, who’s not?

Claims representatives at Farmers Insurance Exchange typically worked beyond 40 hours a week. But the company didn’t cough up overtime pay because it said those workers were …

Even religious groups can’t favor employees based on religion

Diane Roh worked her way up to director of nursing at a nursing home affiliated with the Church of Christ. She wanted to join a program that would train her for …

Discipline, by any name, offers defense against bias claims

When Hattie Star complained that a co-worker had grabbed her, Star’s supervisor confronted the alleged harasser and told him to stay away from her. The supervisor reported the allegations to his …

Growing threat: Courts uphold broad interpretation of retaliation

John McMenemy was a lieutenant in the Rochester Fire Department as well as a union officer. He claimed the city twice passed him over for promotion because, while in his union …

Consistent policy, smart response get you off the hook for retaliation

Barbara von Gunten’s job as an environmental health aide forced her to spend most of the year in a two-person boat collecting water samples. She accused her boat mate of sexual …

Keep age out of mix when deciding who gets education benefits

Dan Esberg wanted to cash in on his company’s educational assistance program. The company paid Esberg $16,000 for his bachelor’s degree after he had turned 50. But when Esberg decided to …

Don’t assume whether or not workers can pass job tests

Jade McKenzie never had a negative job review in 10 years with the county sheriff’s department. Then came a psychological meltdown prompted, in part, by post-traumatic stress related to childhood sexual …

State may trump your CBA on family leave.

Under Oscar Mayer’s collective bargaining agreement (CBA), paid sick leave doesn’t start until at least the fourth day of absence. But Wisconsin’s labor department says that under the state’s family leave …