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Employment Law

Plan for legal consequences of flextime, job sharing

It’s no secret that offering flextime and job-sharing arrangements can help your company retain valued employees and develop a more committed work …

Playin’ it cool: How to handle an EEOC bias charge

When a charge of discrimination lands in your lap from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or its equivalent state agency, the way you respond …

Men Eligible for ‘Maternity Leave’


Q. My company offers 10 weeks paid maternity leave. Recently, a male employee asked whether he could take maternity leave. I said no, only women are eligible to take such leave. Was I right? —K.R., Maryland

Two May Be a ‘Group’ Under OWBPA


Q. I know that the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA) requires that I provide an employee who has been discharged as part of a “group” termination at least 45 days to consider the terms of a release waiving his or her rights under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). How many employees constitute a “group”? —N.W., Pennsylvania

Beware of Restrictions on Right to Fire at Will


Q. I would like to fire an employee who is unpleasant to work with. We simply don’t “click.” Do I have to have cause to terminate him? —A.C., Virginia

Supreme Court greases path for bias cases

Your chances of winning a job discrimination lawsuit just took a tumble. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in June that workers don’t need direct evidence …

Put reasonable limits on who can take complaints

Two female supermarket employees complained to a district manager that their store manager had sexually harassed them. The district manager promptly …

Allowing public access adds new duty to accommodate disabled

The Twentieth Century Fox production lot in Los Angeles includes many conveniences, including a commissary, store and automatic teller machine. However, Les Jankey …

It’s not always best to challenge a handbook’s implied contract

Continental Airlines followed a detailed attendance policy with machinist Kevin McGuire. He first got verbal and written warnings, then was fired. McGuire contested …

Pay former workers promptly; don’t wait for them to ask


Audra Wales called in sick to the Wendy’s restaurant where she worked on Jan. 11 and then showed up later that day to pick up her regular paycheck. During a dispute …