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Firing an H-1B worker? Notify feds first

Organizations that employ foreign workers on H-1B visas must now take an extra step when terminating them: notifying the federal government. Example: A software company hired a programmer on a …

Keep copies of new hires’ I-9 supporting documents


Q. Should I always make and retain copies of Form I-9 supporting documents? —K.L., California

Less chance of receiving ‘no match’ letter from SSA in 2003

Issue: Letters from the Social Security Administration (SSA) flushed out thousands of illegal aliens working in U.S. companies, creating chaos for HR departments …

Warning: Feds looking closer at your use of L-1 hiring visas


A growing number of high-tech workers are complaining that they’re losing jobs not only to foreign workers overseas but also to foreign workers who enter the United States under the little-known L-1 visa category …

You don’t need I-9 forms for pre-1986 hires


Q. We have a few employees who started working for us more than 20 years ago, before the I-9 rules took effect. I don’t have an I-9 on file for these folks. Should I? —S.I., New York

Outsourcing workers won’t let you escape wage-and-hour laws

When it comes to basic compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), simply calling your hourly workers “outsourced employees” won’t let you off the hook …

No need to reverify expired driver’s license


Q. I was interested in your recent article discussing reverifying employees’ I-9 documents when they expire. Does this mean that if a worker shows a driver’s license as verification, we need to ask for the worker’s new number and recheck the information when the license expires? —H.F., Florida

Undocumented workers can sue for retaliation under FLSA

Macan Singh was recruited to work in the United States with a promise of a place to live, free tuition and eventual partnership in a business. When none of this materialized …

Completing the I-9: Top 10 do’s and don’ts

It’s more important than ever to make sure your employees are who they say they are and they’re legally eligible to work in this country. Why? The ongoing battle against …

I-9 form: Feds give mixed message about which IDs you can accept

When filing Employment Eligibility Verification forms (I-9s) for new hires, you may be unknowingly accepting documents that no longer are allowed. Reason: The I-9 version that em-ployers are given and …