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13 interviewee questions to prepare for

What happens when applicants turn the tables on you during interviews? Are you (or the supervisors in your workplace) prepared? Here are 13 applicant questions to be prepared to answer:

Who gets the promotion? 6 steps to smart and legal decisions

If your organization is typical, it’s relying more heavily on internal promotions. And as more employees compete for coveted promotion, we’re seeing a corresponding rise in failure-to-promote lawsuits. To ensure a discrimination-proof selection process, you should:

Feds on alert for employers gaming H-2B visa system

While no enforcement statistics have been released this year, federal officials are taking a close look at employers they suspect are bending the H-2B visa rules.

USCIS proposes ‘smart’ I-9

With the current version of the Form I-9 set to expire on March 31, 2016, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services earlier this month announced it is seeking public comment on a newly revised “smart” version of the I-9 form. The goal: Reducing errors and preventing confusion.

The safe way to reject unsuccessful applicants

Saying “thanks but no thanks” to unsuccessful job applicants may not be high on your hiring list of priorities, but how you handle rejections can mean the difference between applicants leaving with a positive impression of your organization and those whose feelings are hurt … and who might decide to sue.

10 hottest jobs for 2016

If you plan to hire nurses, software developers or marketing managers next year, prepare to up your advertising budget. Those positions top the hot jobs list compiled by employment research firm Economic Modeling Specialists Intl.

Enough is enough: How many interviews are too many?

Some employers schedule multiple interviews due mostly to tradition and habit, which can waste managers’ time, alienate top candidates and unnecessarily lengthen the hiring process. Use the following guidelines to create a strategy for conducting multiple interviews and determining how many are too many.

Get real info from candidates’ previous bosses

Contacting an applicant’s former employers is an essential step in the hiring process. Trouble is, most supervisors have been trained to provide only the bare minimum, such as dates of employment, job title and salary. Try for more than those bland generalities. Asking the following questions can get applicants’ former bosses to open up.

Are there any occasions when it would be appropriate to ask about applicant’s religion?

Q. When, if ever, can our company legally ask an applicant about his or her religious affiliation?

Dauphin County bans the box

Dauphin County has announced plans to join the ranks of municipalities that will no longer ask applicants about their criminal histories on job applications.