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Your HR Career

HR’s smartest move: Align with the CFO


Corporate pressures now call for closer ties between HR and top finance. Winning the CFO as an ally can help earn funding for HR projects, and your strategy smarts will draw attention. Take steps to cultivate the relationships and learn the numbers he or she thrives on.

HR strategies: Focus on essentials during tough times


A recession has a way of changing the way businesses do business. HR is no exception. Here are three back-to-basics strategies for HR pros to consider as organizations permanently adopt the cost- and time-effective strategies they have embraced out of necessity over the past couple of years.

Upside of the downturn: How HR can help weather the ongoing slump


HR pros have an important role to play in helping their companies weather the economic downturn. Whether sitting in on C-Suite meetings, offering one-on-one counsel to decision-makers or training employees, you need to know about the strategies successful companies use to survive and thrive in tough economic times.

How would you rate the stress you experience as an HR pro?

More than half of HR pros who participated in our poll just deal with the stress that comes with the job.

Overcoming the challenges of not having an office


Being in HR requires the ability to maintain confidentiality. This can be challenging if you do not have an office with a door that you can close and lock. Here are some ways you can overcome the challenges of working in a cubicle.

Providing (Gulp!) Upward Feedback


Holding rank-and-file employees accountable for their inappropriate actions (or getting their managers to do so!) is a pretty standard part of your job. But what happens when it’s necessary to direct your critique upwards — to address the inappropriate behavior of your boss or other high-level executive? As uncomfortable as it may be, it’s important that you not shirk this duty.

Secrets of a CEO: 10 things HR needs to know


Ever wonder what your CEO is thinking and what he or she wants from you? Sue Meisinger, a consultant and former CEO of SHRM, has sat on both sides of the CEO/HR fence. Meisinger cites 10 things your CEO will likely never say to you, but you need to understand:

9 things employees want from their managers (and 5 things they don’t)

Different employees crave different things from their managers. Here’s practical advice you can give the bosses in your organization. You’ll help them focus on the managerial qualities that matter most to employees—and forget about the window dressing workers don’t care about.

Take a Video Tour of TheHRSpecialist.com

When you need fast, accurate answers to your HR questions, there’s only one place on the Web to go … Our Premium Plus Online service gives you complete and total access to the HR tools and resources on theHRSpecialist.com. Premium Plus will help you meet any HR challenge — and seize every opportunity to protect […]

Management 101: Never hand off work without a checklist


More than ever, work is collaborative. And where do things go wrong when it comes to collaborative work? At the handoff. It’s usually not because someone is incompetent or lazy; it’s due to poor communication. The bottom line: We all need checklists. Use or adapt this “handoff checklist” when delivering a project assignment, suggests the Harvard Business Review blog.