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Memos to Managers

3 ways to handle use of sick leave with employee well-being and productivity in mind

Studies show that since the pandemic, employees are taking much-needed sick days to prioritize their physical and mental well-being. Based on data from more than 30,000 small and mid-sized businesses that use Gusto, a payroll and HR platform, 30% of all employees have taken sick leave. That’s a 42% jump compared to 2019.

How to properly train a new employee

Good training doesn’t just happen. It’s the result of careful preparation and a well-developed supervisory system.

Writing job descriptions: An 8-question checklist

Inaccurate or incomplete job descriptions can create costly legal risks. Here are eight questions managers should ask themselves when drafting a job description.

How to manage a remote worker experiencing performance problems

Smart managers do not hesitate to address an underperforming worker. They know that rectifying the situation quickly is in the company’s best interest. This mindset holds true regardless of where the employee performs the role. Effective leaders realize, however, that root causes and possible solutions sometimes differ when the individual works remotely. Here, we look at ways to assist a struggling off-site staff member.

National-origin discrimination: What you need to know

The rapidly increasing diversity of the U.S. workforce requires all managers to be aware of their legal responsibilities when dealing with applicants and employees from different races, ethnic groups and religions.

Take every opportunity to deliver positive feedback

For some employees, hearing words of praise is better than a cash bonus—and such praise is a key reason people want to stay in their jobs. Yet many managers can muster up such phrases only during annual reviews … if at all. Here are 10 key ideas managers should consider when offering positive feedback to employees.

Use performance logs to simplify employee reviews

It happens to every manager: You sit down to prepare a staff member’s review and realize you can remember only what the person has done the past few weeks. Or you allow only a single incident (good or bad) to color your assessment. If you’re relying solely on your memory to evaluate employee performance, you’re […]

Torn between two applicants? Here’s how to pick a winner

Hiring is rarely easy, and it’s particularly difficult when you have narrowed the choice to two strong candidates. How do you make the decision between two apparently equal applicants?

Do they just have the ‘blahs’ or is staff burned out?

Today’s workers feel the strain of maintaining high performance in an environment that makes success decidedly more difficult. It’s important for managers to be able to identify and deal with burnout—the loss of interest and motivation that can result from workplace pressures.

How to keep new employees productive & engaged

When employees quit shortly after being hired, the departure is a gut punch to productivity and adds unnecessary costs. Plus, it can send unsettling shock waves to employees. Managers set the foundation for good employee relationships during the hiring process and in those first weeks on the job. Here are tips to keep newbies onboard, productive and engaged.