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Memos to Managers

Out of the doldrums: How to reignite your employees’ passion

Just as partners benefit from checking with one another to gauge fulfillment levels and figure out how to grow together, managers who take an interest in maintaining a passionate staff reap great rewards.

Choosing the right words: What to say when …

Three tricky communication scenarios, and many solutions for them.

5 ways to handle the suck-up on your team

“A ‘yes-man’ who agrees with everything a manager says can be just as destructive as a disengaged employee who doesn’t say anything at all.

Let’s all play nice! Prevent and manage bullying in the workplace

Here are a few simple ways to prevent and manage workplace bullying—for the sake of your staff, and your own ability to be an influential manager.

Management skills checklist: Which do you do well?

The most effective managers demonstrate a very specific set of skills and behaviors in the workplace. New research by MindTools and the London Business School identified these core skills that the best managers master.

Become a better manager with this 15-minute daily habit

A daily self-assessment practice may be the most impactful growth tool you can use to be a more effective, more fulfilled manager.

Managing to stay out of court: 2019 employment-law quiz

The number of lawsuits filed by employees has spiked in recent years, and often those lawsuits are caused by one simple supervisor mistake or misunderstanding of employment law. How well do you know your legal duties as a manager?

The ‘new’ ADA: How to handle employee disabilities

When Congress expanded the Americans with Disabilities Act in 2009, it broadened the circle of people eligible for ADA rights even wider. That has led to a spike in people filing ADA-related legal claims. Here’s what managers need to know about the ADA:

Avoid the perception of bullying: 8 do’s and don’ts

The growth of anti-bullying laws, policies and public campaigns are making employees ultra-aware to potential bullying situations at work. For supervisors, that means it’s more important than ever to be alert to how your words and actions are being delivered … and received. Here are eight do’s and don’ts:

Burnout! Four main causes of employee stress, and what you can do about it

You’ve put in the long hours to build a relationship with your team, and to better understand their strengths, weaknesses, motivators and goals for the future. While these are all key components to a successful relationship with your staff, it’s for naught if you can’t proactively prevent employee burnout.