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Memos to Managers

7 steps for effective, stress-free performance reviews

Performance review meetings can bring anxiety to both sides of the desk. But it doesn’t have to be that way. With the right planning by supervisors, the meeting can be a productive, morale-boosting exchange. Here are seven steps for running productive and stress-free performance review meetings.

4 pieces of wisdom Steve Jobs shared in 1992 that still apply to today’s workforce

Here are some grounding managerial philosophies Jobs shared in a 72-minute speech, and how you can use them to be a more impactful leader.

What to say to pregnant co-workers

Do you have a pregnant co-worker or employee? Here’s a list of things you should—and shouldn’t—say during those nine, often difficult months.

Onward & upward: How to use career pathing to support employees’ development

Want to retain more of your top performing employees, increase engagement and productivity, and support their interests and future goals? Introduce your team to career pathing.

Help employees connect with their work & workplace


Gallup has found that just a third of U.S. employees are fully engaged in their jobs. At the other end, 16% of workers are “actively disengaged” in their work.

Meet the new boss: How to approach an existing team

Whether you’re managing a new team as a result of a promotion, job change or an organizational restructure, stepping in to lead a pre-existing team—and the established dynamics, group norms and expectations they tend to possess—demands a thoughtful management strategy. Here are some tips on how to manage a new staff.

The 4 essential skills of a master manager

Studies of top managers have found it’s hard to be an effective team leader without having some mastery of these skill sets.

Accommodating religion: What managers need to know


Say an applicant tells you she wouldn’t be able to work Friday nights due to her religion. Or an employee begins wearing a headscarf to the office. How would you respond? The increasing religious diversity in the workforce is causing more managers to make legal mistakes.

How to confront mistake-prone employees

It’s never easy for managers to confront an employee whose performance is slipping or who has begun making more mistakes. Here are some key rules of engagement.

Just do it … or just delegate it?

“If you want something done right, you’d better do it yourself.” Managers who successfully used this philosophy to work their way up the career ladder may find it counterintuitive to let go of the reins and start delegating tasks to subordinates.