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Inability to work overtime doesn’t mean worker is disabled

As a senior train operations manager, Clyde Kellogg regularly put in 60 hours to 80 hours a week, including weekends, holidays and at home. That is, until he appeared to have …

Good planning limits fallout from FMLA misunderstandings

Moira Kelly received an extension of her maternity leave, with one caveat. Her company informed her by letter that she was considered a “key employee” under the Family and Medical Leave …

Having a good business reason trumps speculation

After Gary Rowe had a kidney transplant, his medication was costing his employer more than $1,000 a month, and his supervisor frequently asked about his condition. When that supervisor had to …

Body Odor: Clear the Air Over Staff Dress Code


Q. In the December 2000 issue, you discussed the topic of employees with body odor. We also have a staff member with body odor so bad that other staff members have complained and even threatened to leave the agency. The employee has been disciplined several times and required to go home without pay until she agrees to comply with the dress code. At what point can we legally terminate her? —A.S., Michigan

Refusing to follow orders doesn’t always equal insubordination

The new fire alarm system at Seattle’s Key Arena automatically cuts off the public address system so that emergency personnel can issue instructions. When the feature disrupted Sonics basketball games, arena …

Beware of employee’s ‘Let’s Make a Deal’

HR director Cheryl Swenson didn’t wait for the standard severance package when the senior VP for human resources said her job would be eliminated. Swenson contacted the president and CEO …

Gambling on who may sue is a losing bet

When racial tensions among third-shift employees at a Wal-Mart boiled over, Gail Robinson reported it to her managers several times. African-American co-workers called her “white bitch,” shoved and threatened her …

Craft rif to avoid appearance of bias

Related telecommunications companies decided to slash middle management. How they did it landed them in court fighting several claims, including age discrimination. Indiana Bell and Ameritech created complex ranking systems …

Long service doesn’t guarantee job

John Guz had worked for Bechtel for more than 20 years when his job was eliminated. Although Guz was an at-will employee, he claimed that his long record of raises, promotions …

Cut legal risk during layoff


Q. In recent months, a sharp decline in revenue has forced us to consider downsizing. What are the legal risks associated with a layoff and how can we minimize them? —L.C., Hawaii