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Productivity / Performance

The key to running more effective meetings

While meetings are necessary for virtually every organization, they’re often a source of frustration for employees. That’s especially true if the meetings they attend are delayed, unproductive or could have been covered in an email.

How to keep new employees productive & engaged

When employees quit shortly after being hired, the departure is a gut punch to productivity and adds unnecessary costs. Plus, it can send unsettling shock waves to employees. Managers set the foundation for good employee relationships during the hiring process and in those first weeks on the job. Here are tips to keep newbies onboard, productive and engaged.

Survey: Mental, emotional stress is leading cause of employee burnout

Sixty-one percent of workers participating in a new poll by the Grant Thornton consulting firm said they had experienced burnout in the last year.

Survey: Less than half of employees achieving ‘optimal’ performance

Only 41% of employees are currently performing optimally—that is, consistently producing their best work in a way they and HR professionals feel confident is sustainable over the next year—according to a new survey by the Gartner business advisory firm.

Survey: 34% say they’ve called in sick when they weren’t

The most sick-day-fib-prone state was Missouri, where 45.4% of respondents said they had called in sick when they weren’t.

Distracted Gen Zers? Maybe it’s the moonlighting

Do your Gen Z employees seem a little more preoccupied and absent-minded than usual these days? The problem might be their other jobs—driving for rideshare companies, selling stuff online, influencing on social media and otherwise engaging in part-time work. According to a recent study by the Deloitte consulting firm, almost half of nearly 15,000 Gen Z workers surveyed hold down a second job or side hustle.

‘That’s not my job!’ How to shut down those slackers

Some employees resent it when their employer directs them to perform work that appears to fall outside their usual job duties. But contrary to what those employees think, there is nothing illegal about assigning them tasks that aren’t listed in their job descriptions. The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals just said so.

Uncover top motivators for employee learning

Competitive companies know that the ever-changing world requires them to adapt on a regular basis. LinkedIn’s 2023 Workplace Learning Report notes that skill sets for jobs have changed by around 25% since 2015, and this number is expected to double by 2027. Organizations lacking workers dedicated to continuous professional development jeopardize their future.

Case of the Week: Ensure HR reviews, signs off on all PIPs

When an employee needs to do a better job, supervisors are often the ones charged with creating a performance improvement plan. Since PIPs are often a last-chance option for underperforming employees, it’s common for them to include stringent attendance requirements. But allowing supervisors to set the terms of a PIP without close HR supervision can be a big mistake.  

Understanding what motivates your direct reports

It’s clear that motivating your direct reports yields many benefits, but how do you know what works for each employee? After all, everyone’s sources of motivation are different, so there’s no one-size-fits-all approach for your team. But there is a list of effective techniques for discovering what motivates your direct reports.