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Compensation & Benefits

Regardless of prior leave, prepare to offer more time off as a reasonable accommodation


Under the disability discrimination provisions of California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act, employers are required to offer extended leave as a reasonable accommodation for disabled employees—as long as the employee provides an estimated return date.

Tax reform fueling changes to benefits and comp programs


Tax reform legislation enacted late last year is already fueling changes to corporate America’s employee compensation and benefits programs, according to a new survey by the Willis Towers Watson consulting firm.

DOL launches internal probe: Was tip pool data suppressed?


The Department of Labor’s Office of the Inspector General is investigating allegations that Labor Secretary Alex Acosta ordered DOL staffers to quash internal research showing that a proposed rule allowing tip pooling in the hospitality industry would cost employees $5.8 billion per year.

NYC employers: Leave policies must cover ‘personal events’


The New York City Council has amended the city’s Fair Workweek Law to allow employees to make temporary changes to their work schedules for “personal events.”

Proposal to cover paid family leave


President Trump’s Jan. 30 State of the Union shout-out to paid family leave drew bipartisan applause but left many scratching their heads: Did he have any specific plans in mind?

Report: Tip pool rule could stiff servers out of $6 billion


The Department of Labor suppressed results of internal research showing that a new proposed tip pooling rule could deprive restaurant servers of $5.8 billion in tip income every year, according to a report by Bloomberg Law.

Amish builder nailed for OT and child labor violations


Stoltzfus Structures—an Amish-owned light construction company in Chester County—will pay $188,572 in back wages and an equal amount in liquidated damages to 47 employees.

Accommodation requests can affect unemployment benefits


How you handle disability accommodation requests may determine whether a worker receives unemployment compensation if you terminate her after she’s used up all her leave.

When stress warrants workers’ comp


An employee may claim her job is so stressful that she can no longer work and should receive workers’ comp benefits. That claim can succeed—if a court concludes that “abnormal” working conditions caused the stress, anxiety or depression that made it impossible for her to work. But whether work is really abnormally stressful is a fact-specific question.

Prepare to contest restoring unemployment when employees quit soon after starting


When a worker receiving unemployment benefits accepts a job she isn’t required to accept because it is “unsuitable” for her training, education or ability, she can quit within 30 days and regain unemployment benefits. But simply quitting because she thinks she is going to be discharged doesn’t count.