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Employee Relations

Lessen liability by quickly addressing sexual harassment

Just having a policy that prohibits sexual harassment can prevent harassment from occurring. Most employers also make it easy for employees to report harassment they experience or witness.

8 steps to becoming the manager your employees need

In an effort to “empower” their staffs, too many managers take a completely hands-off approach, leaving employees alone unless they really need help. But this can create a rudderless ship, says management expert Bruce Tulgan. That’s not leadership! Here’s how effective managers provide genuine support to their employees.

How to Wipe Out Fraud and Abuse Under FMLA

The medical certification process is your most potent weapon for combating potential FMLA fraud. But obtaining a certification is only the first fraud-stopping step. Here are 10 more things you can do to keep employees from gaming the FMLA system.

A fair investigation is all that’s required

It’s important to thoroughly and fairly investigate whenever an employee is accused of wrongdoing. Employers have lots of leeway to investigate as they see fit, as long as they can demonstrate their investigation was conducted in good faith.

Get written acknowledgment for every missed shift

Employers that have clear rules and apply them fairly seldom lose termination lawsuits—if they can prove their employees understood the rules. One of the best ways to demonstrate that is by consistently having workers acknowledge that they broke a rule. Do this at the time you discipline the worker, pointing out what rule they broke. A brief written disciplinary notice with a space for the employee’s signature should to the trick.

Study: No lasting productivity gains from remote work

Remote workers are no more or less productive than their on-site colleagues, concludes a report by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. The finding throws cold water on hopes that significant productivity gains reported during the 2020 pandemic lockdowns would continue post-COVID.

Recruiting: Offer work-from-home option, tout opportunities to advance

It’s tough to attract the best new hires if you can’t pay as much as larger employers can. However, you may have a couple competitive advantages big companies can’t offer: the option for employees to work remotely full-time and the promise of promotion opportunities.

Want to retain your employees? Offer training

If you ask a departing subordinate why she’s jumping ship, it’s likely the answer will include better pay and benefits and a lack of opportunity for advancement. You can’t do much about pay and benefits, but you can leverage the training programs you already have in place to prevent subordinates from looking for a new job in the first place.

5 ways to eliminate incivility among team members

Ever feel like some of your employees slept through that elementary school presentation on the Golden Rule? It might be up to you to reteach it—and fast.

Cost of a one-sided investigation: $15 million

Ignoring a complaint or summarily dismissing it almost guarantees you’ll lose a lawsuit if the complaining employee decides to sue. But how you conduct that investigation is crucial. Lean too heavily towards supporting the alleged victim, and the alleged perpetrator may be the one who sues you.