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Employee Relations

Suit: State didn’t accommodate disability–alcoholism

A former Assistant Director of the State Lottery has filed suit against the Minnesota State Lottery, the Department of Management and Budget and her former boss, Ed Van Petten. She was fired after being charged with drunken driving in 2012 after injuring an elderly man in a traffic accident. She is yet to stand trial on those charges.

Fired county official denies harassment charges

The former head of the Dakota County Community Development Agency denied the charges that led to his firing in a meeting with the County Board.

Sobering statistic: The hidden business cost of hangovers

Binge drinking and the resulting hangovers cost U.S. employers $77 million in lost productivity at work, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Workplace detective: 10 investigation mistakes to avoid

How you look into misconduct can have huge legal implications for your company. Get the process right the first time.

Can we discipline for bad behavior at party?

Q. At our company holiday party, which was not at the workplace or during work hours, an employee told some inappropriate jokes and put an arm around a co-worker who did not appreciate it and complained. The company is aware that the employee took a leave of absence for treatment of chemical dependency and is concerned that the employee might have been drinking at the party. Can the company discipline the employee? The company would like the employee to get additional help for chemical dependency.

5 listening tips to improve communication

Listening well is a critical HR skill. It helps to address problems, resolve conflict and reduce miscommunication. It makes you more efficient and effective. Here’s how to become a better listener.

The employee, not the job, is what makes telecommuting work

What should the rules of telecommuting be—and who is it really working for?

No money changed hands? Legal settlement still stands

Have you ever considered settling an employment dispute by having an employee promise to quit or retire, without any monetary payment? Don’t worry that such an agreement will later fall apart.

Should you swap performance reviews for a feedback app?

Some companies, including General Electric, have begun replacing traditional performance reviews with web- and mobile-based apps that let employees provide real-time, 360-degree feedback of one another.

Mentorship: Take the time to pay it forward

Tania Basheer of Blue Sky Coaching recommends a number of actions you can take to help a new employee grow in his or her career.