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Productivity / Performance

Lawyer fired for appraisal sues for wrongful discharge


A former lawyer at Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP has filed a lawsuit against the law firm for terminating his employment after he wrote a performance evaluation that criticized another associate and partner.

10 tips on setting goals for others


Ask employees to focus on razor-thin, challenging targets, and they might fail or do something unethical. Managers can avoid those unintended consequences by using this 10-point checklist when setting goals for others.

Assign HR staffer to monitor and update employees’ ADA accommodations


Don’t think it’s the end of the story once you have offered an ADA accommodation to a disabled employee and put it in place. Disabilities change, equipment fails and technology improves, making the accommodations process a continual one. Here’s what you risk if you make an accommodation and walk away without ensuring the accommodation actually works.

March Madness: Can a morale boost offset the productivity hit?


As if computer solitaire wasn’t enough of a distraction for daydreaming office workers, March Madness is about to make working hard even harder. But that’s not all bad, according to one expert: The morale boost may make the NCAA tournament a good bet for employers. Here are some of the rules of the game for HR.

3 ways to run more effective meetings


On average, American professionals spend 5.6 hours each week in meetings that 71% say “aren’t productive.” If you’d rather spend those hours creatively engaged, try these tips for making the most of meeting time. (You can pull off one of these even if you’re not the one who called the meeting!)

Advantage for tough times: Creating a company that cares


Organizations that are perceived as caring companies typically look out for their employees and the communities where they do business. During hard times, then, companies that care tend to do whatever they can to keep their employees on their payrolls. Simply put, they respect the fact that employees need their jobs.

Has the recession motivated your staff?


According to a survey by global talent assessment firm SHL, nearly two-thirds (63%) of respondents say the economic nose dive has not had any effect on their motivation at work.

ADA doesn’t require promotion as reasonable accommodation


In an unpublished 11th Circuit decision, a court has sent an ADA case back to a lower court to determine whether the Seminole County School Board discriminated against Marilyn Woodruff when it did not move her to less physically demanding jobs available in the district.

Agree if returning worker proposes new exam


Employees who take leave because of a disability may be entitled to a reasonable accommodation when they return to work. But, as an employer, you have the right to decline an employee’s return if you genuinely believe she won’t be able to perform her job. But if the employee proposes undergoing a medical or psychological exam to prove she is fit to return, cooperate.

Double duty: Regulating moonlighting and following the law


As the economy heads south, many of your employees have probably considered—or already found—second jobs to supplement their incomes. Most of the time, moonlighting poses no conflict with your organization’s work. But an employee’s second job could lower productivity and morale. It could create liability for you.