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Promoting or hiring? Be sure to document why your choice is best

Whenever you’re hiring or promoting from within and choosing from several candidates, someone is going to be disappointed. And that means there’s the potential for legal trouble if you don’t make sure your process was lawsuit-proof.

Hire high performers by utilizing motivation-based interviewing

“We have an epidemic problem of overrating the job candidate. The problem is your interview questions.” That was a statement from Carol Quinn, best-selling author and creator of motivation-based interviewing, in a recent webinar hosted by Business Management Daily.

Are your job posts too vague?

Employers have only 14 seconds to hook potential job applicants, according to LinkedIn. Obviously, the words you use in a job post are important, as is the job description itself. Yet vague language persists when describing goals for the position and how success is measured.

Snapshot: AI in recruiting helps, but it’s people who close the deal

A study of 1,068 employers by customer service platform Tidio revealed that artificial intelligence is handling more recruiting tasks.

Hiring pros reveal their favorite interview questions

Even if you have interviewed hundreds of candidates over 25 years, you want to update your question arsenal occasionally. Here are a few tried and true ones you may not have thought of, and some favorites from hiring experts. Add them to your list and pass them to managers and others in your company responsible for hiring.

New year, new laws: Update your compliance!

States have new laws about human trafficking reporting, hair discrimination, family leave, wage transparency, artificial intelligence and surveillance.

Could affirmative action cases affect you?

The Supreme Court is pondering two cases questioning affirmative action in university admissions.

So you want to hire a disabled veteran

The EEOC has laid out specific steps employers may take to recruit and hire veterans with disabilities.

Identical interview questions key to surviving rejected applicant’s suit

The hiring process is a common lawsuit trigger for candidates not selected for the job they’re interviewing for. Lawsuits alleging race or other forms of discrimination may focus on individual questions, the hiring committee’s demographic composition or some other perceived discriminatory action. The best way to counter this is with a carefully crafted interview process.

Try offbeat interview questions

Try to go beyond résumés. The Talent Blog suggests some offbeat questions. Here are a few variations.