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HR Management

Sound Bites: November ’18

Cut the repetition … Keep them from tossing your card … Practicing small talk … Is the 5-second rule for real?

The HR I.Q. Test: November ’18

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

Snapshot: CEO tenure rises along with bull market

CEOs are staying in their jobs longer as the economic expansion continues and stock values keep rising.

The perils of piling on the work

Delegation is necessary for employee growth, but don’t be reckless with it.

Can new software put more ‘human’ in HR?

The former head of Google’s HR function has launched a start-up aimed at recreating some of the success he drove at the search engine giant and bringing it to other HR departments.

Stung once by EEOC? Don’t let guard down

If the EEOC has accused your organization of some form of discrimination, don’t think you can just write a check and move on. Now is the time to take a cold, hard look at all your employment practices and policies.

Survey: Three-quarters of us are tired on the job

Drained at your desk? You’re not alone. Recent research from staffing firm Accountemps suggests feeling worn out at work is a common occurrence among U.S. employees.

8 million new jobs by 2023, but mid-market misses out

The U.S. is expected to add 8,310,003 jobs from 2018 to 2023. That represents a 5% growth rate.

Lessons from the Courts: October ’18

It might be a good practice to regularly check all your emergency exit doors to ensure that people can escape through them in the event of a fire or other emergency.

Excavator will have to dig deep to pay for safety lapses

El Paso Underground Construction has been cited for failing to protect its employees from trench-collapse hazards.