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HR Management

Manage the balancing act when accommodating employees’ religious beliefs

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion and requires employers to reasonably accommodate an employee’s sincerely held religious beliefs and practices, can sometimes clash with employers’ legitimate business needs and may cause employee-relations problems. Here’s how employers can balance their own needs with their duty to accommodate workers’ religious beliefs and practices.

Avoid surprise OT claims with this simple policy

The Fair Labor Standards Act imposes stiff penalties on employers that cheat employees out of overtime pay. They must pay double what they should have paid in the first place. But there’s a simple way to avoid that liability: Have a policy that makes it easy for employees to report being underpaid. Then promptly investigate if someone reports not receiving the overtime pay they were expecting.

Research: AI-boosted résumés generate more hiring offers

Job applicants who use artificial intelligence software to tweak their résumés are 8% more likely to be hired than those who do not, according to an experiment conducted by grad students and faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management.

How HR should use AI: NYC law offers practical guidance

More and more employers are using artificial intelligence software to improve HR processes such as recruitment, hiring and onboarding. Already, several states and cities have passed laws dictating how AI can and cannot be deployed, including in the HR field.

Good news for employers? Supreme Court takes deregulation case

Over four decades ago, the U.S. Supreme Court gave regulatory agencies wide discretion in interpreting the federal laws they were charged with enforcing. When the law was ambiguous, agencies were free to come up with any reasonable interpretation. That could change next year.

4 tips to resolve conflicts

It’s inevitable that disputes will arise between team members, and the onus is on all of us to resolve them. Luckily, conflict resolution is a skill that you can improve, which will make dealing with disputes far easier.

Health, IT and driving top list of America’s most in-demand occupations

Employers are desperately seeking applicants to fill jobs in the health-care and information technology fields, followed closely by applicants for truck-driving jobs. That’s according to an analysis of job-posting click data and Google searches by the job-search site lensa.com.

EEOC, other agencies monitoring AI’s impact on perpetuating discrimination

The EEOC has joined forces with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Federal Trade Commission and the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division to step up oversight of how artificial intelligence software might perpetuate unlawful discrimination.

The HR I.Q. Test: May ’23

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

5 ways to strengthen your employee-coaching skills

Your skill at organizing, delegating and ensuring deadlines are met enables your team to fulfill short-term goals and post good metrics. But leaders looking to take their charges to the next level make a point of going beyond just managing employees—they coach them.