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HR Management

No need to give ‘bonus points’ to disabled applicants

Nancy Houser suffered a severe elbow injury at work, making it impossible to use that arm for lifting in her warehouse job. The company transferred her to greeting visitors …

Setting a ‘no restrictions’ policy could open you to ADA lawsuits

Rhonda Otting took leave to control her epilepsy through surgery and medication. When the doctor released her to return to work as a J.C. Penney sales associate …

Avoid overly specific ‘grounds for firing’ list

A United Parcel Service (UPS) worker broke into a profane tirade at two supervisors in a dispute over his check. When he refused to stop, the HR director dismissed him on …

Crime coverage may pay for itself

Business consultants are increasingly advising clients to buy crime insurance. Employees are more likely to rip you off, and technology is …

Series of ‘minor’ incidents
can add up to hostile environment

Cheryl Conner blew away her male co-workers in skills training for her new metal-processing job. The trouble started when she went from the classroom …

Sexual orientation: Adapt policy to local, state law

Although Congress has debated the idea, no federal law specifically prohibits job discrimination based on an employee or applicant’s sexual orientation. Employees …

You may have to pay for workers’ old ailments

During her 30-year career as a dental hygienist, Kathleen Flor worked for many dentists. In 1990, a test for hepatitis C came back negative, even though she was treated …

Don’t jump the gun on job offers; control who promises what

Based on an oral offer from a hospital’s interim CEO, James Greisi accepted a job as a physical therapy manager. A few days later, Greisi received a written offer …

Prepare for OSHA visit when labor’s unhappy

Pay extra attention to safety when your company is going through labor unrest. Reason: A new study shows that the likelihood of a federal safety inspection …

Pitch old records with care


Q. How long is a company supposed to keep paper records? We’d like to throw out some of our old, archived paperwork. —B.H., Pennsylvania