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HR Management

Don’t rely on written policy to prevent harassment


Q. Our company is considering anti-harassment training for all employees. Some individuals are concerned that it will stir up lawsuits. Do you recommend such training? —J.R., Maine

Horseplay to one may be assault to another.

A CEO was the main instigator of his company’s ritual of a mock “weighing-in ceremony,” in which unsuspecting new workers were paddled with a carpenter’s level. The CEO ignored the …

You can be liable for worker’s online slur

After Tammy Blakey sued Continental Airlines for sexual harassment, her co-workers used an online bulletin board to post derogatory gender-based messages …

Drug testing down, electronic monitoring up at big U.S. firms

The proportion of major U.S. companies that require new or current employees to submit to drug tests slipped to 66 percent this year, down from 70 percent last year and 74 …

Playin’ it cool: How to handle an EEOC bias charge

When a charge of discrimination lands in your lap from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or its equivalent state agency, the way you respond …

Be wary of firing employees for aggressive union organizing

John Ramirez’s union asked him to apply for a welder’s job to help organize the workers. He got the job and quickly started rallying support for a union bid. But …

Whistle-blowers protected even if they defy complaint process

Barbara Fleming, a nurse at a women’s prison, complained to her direct supervisor that other employees were providing inmates medication under expired prescriptions. When her oral complaint got no response, …

Make managers aware of potential personal liability

Want to get your managers to take sexual harassment claims seriously? Here’s how one human resources director does it: He begins each training session …

EEOC: Explain policies in workers’ native language

To ensure your workers understand your anti-discrimination policy, translate it and then sit down and explain it to them. Insiders say the …

Beware of Restrictions on Right to Fire at Will


Q. I would like to fire an employee who is unpleasant to work with. We simply don’t “click.” Do I have to have cause to terminate him? —A.C., Virginia