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HR Management

Employee must notify you of change in disability status

David Wurzbach had leukemia, so his doctor recommended limited public contact to reduce his risk of infection. Because his job with the City of Tacoma required lots of public interaction, the …

Snuff out gossip about firings; don’t forward damaging e-mail

New York Life forbade employees to use their corporate American Express cards for personal items. But Phyllis Meloff says she got permission to use the card for her commuting costs as …

Lock up your company secrets — or lose them


Cary and Brenda Jensen worked for the Lodge at Mount Snow, placing ads and organizing bus tours for senior citizens groups. After six years, the Jensens quit to open …

Scales tip against weight rule

The U.S. Supreme Court recently let stand a ruling that an airline’s weight policy discriminated against women. (United Airlines v. Frank, 00-948) The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decided …

Grooming policies: Establish limits, not discrimination

Frank’s boss asked him to quit wearing his earring to work. Frank refused, arguing that women in the office were allowed to wear earrings. He was fired and then sued for …

Steer Clear of Asking About Religion


Q. When, if ever, can our company legally ask an applicant about his or her religious affiliation? —R.M., Illinois

State Family Leave Law May Ban Moonlighting


Q. We recently learned that an employee on FMLA leave is working for another company. Can we fire her? —D.G., Arizona

Affirm At-Will Status


Q. Should our employee handbook include a statement that gives us the right to terminate employees “at-will?” Our headquarters is in New Jersey with another office in Connecticut. —J.W., New Jersey

Don’t ignore ergonomics

Don’t forget about ergonomics just because Congress scrapped the Clinton administration’s controversial rules. Repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) can still hurt your bottom line, …

Harassment: Your response makes all the difference

Case 1: The ‘sex’retary Lesley Gentry’s boss constantly hugged her, kissed her and made suggestive comments, such as asking her to “try out the back counter” with him. He gave …