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HR Management

’Fess up, teleworkers! Who’s even wearing pants?

Sure, we try to look presentable during Zoom meetings. But let’s face it: Fashion only matters from the waist up these days.

Are laws limiting covid-19 liability on the horizon in Congress, states?

Republican leaders in Congress are saying that any new coronavirus aid or stimulus legislation must also include a provision that limits an organization’s liability if customers, vendors or employees contract covid-19 through their normal interactions with the business.

Half of employees say HR is not trustworthy

A full one-half of 1,000 American workers surveyed by the career site Zety said they think their HR department is “not trustworthy.”

Which safety measures do employees really want?

A Harris Poll of 2,000 U.S. workers says these are the top five safety measures (in order) they feel would be critical to help them feel safe in their workplace.

If family member is ‘high risk,’ must you accommodate?

An employee [does not want to come into work/wants to work from home/wants a leave of absence] because he or she lives with someone who is at high risk for coronavirus complications. What do we do?

Employee tests positive? How to notify staff

Millions of Americans have tested positive for the coronavirus, so odds are that one or more of your employees will test positive in the coming months. But there is a smart (and legal) way to communicate this news to your employees.

Tough times await new grads from the Class of 2020

The young people who graduated from college this spring are entering the job market during an official recession. Looking at past recessions, the timing does not bode well for young workers’ overall career trajectories in terms of available jobs and compensation.

Are your ‘best practices’ just that?

Experts may recommend adopting best practices and performance benchmarks to improve your group’s performance. However, as management consultant Michael McLaughlin cautions, don’t import ready-made solutions until you’re sure they’ll work in your situation. Test each practice four ways.

An empathetic leader? Yes; a pushover? No

In these difficult times, we look to business leaders to take the helm of their company with confidence and authority. However, now is not the time to rule with an iron fist.

Prepare for ADA suits driven by health fears

Simultaneous health and financial crises have given us all plenty to fear. Surely you are doing your best to prove to employees that your workplace is safe. Most will be assured. However, a small subset of workers may remain paralyzed by safety concerns.