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HR Management

Review diversity training for EO compliance

A Trump administration executive order banning federal agencies and contractors from offering many common kinds of diversity training programs is drawing fire—and legal challenges.

OSHA nets $2.5 million in coronavirus penalties

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration has issued citations arising from 179 inspections for violations relating to coronavirus, resulting in proposed penalties totaling $2,496,768.

Online training time: DOL explains when to pay

The U.S. Department of Labor has issued a new opinion letter that helps clarify when employers must pay workers for the time they spend undergoing training that is delivered online.

Coronavirus cancels this year’s holiday party plans

One year after nearly 76% of companies planned to hold holiday parties, just 23% are planning a year-end celebration this year, and 74% of those will be virtual events, according to a new survey by the Challenger, Gray & Christmas outplacement firm.

Survey: One-third embrace 100% remote workforce

With remote work becoming the new normal, more companies are now willing to not only hire remote workers, but to hire them from anywhere.

Biden election signals coming change for HR

When President-Elect Joe Biden is sworn in on Jan. 20, employers can expect a return to the generally pro-employee regulatory agenda of the Obama administration, updated to reflect the realities of a business environment largely shaped by the coronavirus pandemic.

8 questions office managers must address before return-to-work

Before a possible influx of employees back into the office, make sure you’ve begun to explore solutions to the following dilemmas.

Unions seek binding OSHA coronavirus rules

Unions have filed two lawsuits seeking to compel the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to develop mandatory pandemic-related workplace safety standards. OSHA is pushing back, maintaining that current safety standards and practices do enough to protect frontline workers.

1-Minute Strategies: December ’20

Share your screen, but not for too long … Try a “Questions” box … Wait, Rudolph is a girl?? … I’ll be with you in a zeptosecond … Trees are still open for business … Do you mispell these wurds?

90% of firms transformed their business this year

In a survey of more than 2,800 senior managers in the U.S., nine in 10 respondents said their organization has improved operations or pursued new opportunities as a result of covid-19.