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HR Management

Employees’ most-Googled HR issues: privacy, surveillance

A recent analysis of Google search trends found that privacy and surveillance are the top workplace-related concerns for U.S. employees, together representing 42% of the top 50 most common Google searches, according to the study by Elements Global.

Tout vaccine mandate to recruit employees

Some may worry that a vaccine mandate will drive anti-vax employees to quit. However, numerous polls this summer show that most Americans favor employer vaccine mandates. That means many of your best potential job candidates may actually prefer working for an organization that requires employees to be fully vaxxed.

Snapshot: How the pandemic affected working people worldwide

In a global survey, 45% of workers said their own lives had been affected “a lot” by the coronavirus pandemic.

Vaccine mandates gain momentum as Delta rages

The latest round of polling on vaccine mandates by Mercer U.S. Health News found 14% of 372 employers now require or plan to require workers returning to worksites to be vaccinated.

Workers, executives view their organizations differently

As employers implement their future-of-work strategies, including decisions around hybrid work and increased flexibility, a gap is emerging between executive and employee perceptions about the future of the workplace experience, according to research by the Gartner business advisory firm.

Snapshot: What’s the best thing about being promoted?

Frankly, we’re surprised more money doesn’t rate even higher!

SHRM survey: Bosses look down on remote employees

A full 67% of supervisors of remote workers surveyed by the Society for Human Resource Management consider them more replaceable than on-site workers.

Vaccine mandates on the rise; how to respond

The dramatic spike in COVID cases this summer—fueled by the powerful Delta variant—is leading more employers to rethink their hesitancy about vaccine mandates.

Snapshot: Top issues employees don’t think HR can fix

Employees have generally low expectations about HR’s ability to solve these workplace problems.

Vaccine mandates, masks get federal backing

A pair of federal government measures has private-sector employers reconsidering policies to keep workers safe from covid-19.