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HR Management

Health, IT and driving top list of America’s most in-demand occupations

Employers are desperately seeking applicants to fill jobs in the health-care and information technology fields, followed closely by applicants for truck-driving jobs. That’s according to an analysis of job-posting click data and Google searches by the job-search site lensa.com.

EEOC, other agencies monitoring AI’s impact on perpetuating discrimination

The EEOC has joined forces with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Federal Trade Commission and the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division to step up oversight of how artificial intelligence software might perpetuate unlawful discrimination.

The HR I.Q. Test: May ’23

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

5 ways to strengthen your employee-coaching skills

Your skill at organizing, delegating and ensuring deadlines are met enables your team to fulfill short-term goals and post good metrics. But leaders looking to take their charges to the next level make a point of going beyond just managing employees—they coach them.

Analysis paralysis? 4 tips for making better decisions

Your ability to make sound business decisions swiftly—even when they involve ambiguity and risk—is a major factor in your ability to guide and manage a successful team. Here are some simple ways to help you make better decisions.

Train employees on ‘bystander’ responsibilities to report harassment

In 2016, the EEOC released a report that said reducing sexual harassment at work often depends on co-workers being willing to report misbehavior when they witness it. Since then, it has been largely up to employers to define policies for so-called bystander reporting. Here’s how to structure bystander training that prevents sexual harassment instead of merely reporting it after the fact.

OK to require training that may violate some religious beliefs

Raymond objected to mandatory training on anti-gay bias, stating his religious beliefs about homosexuality precluded him from participating. He said it would compromise his faith.

Post-pandemic, enforcement agencies step up oversight of hospitality and leisure industries

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Survey: Employers concerned about covering workers’ mental-health needs

More than three years after the COVID-19 pandemic upended workplaces, mental-health coverage remains a priority for employers, according to an annual employer survey fielded by the nonprofit Kaiser Family Foundation.

Relatively few employees continue to work remotely

The percentage of employees working remotely has fallen to near pre-pandemic levels, according to data released in early April by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.